Source code for pyuvdata.uvdata.mwa_corr_fits

# -*- mode: python; coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c) 2019 Radio Astronomy Software Group
# Licensed under the 2-clause BSD License

"""Class for reading MWA correlator FITS files."""

import itertools
import os
import warnings

import h5py
import numpy as np
from astropy import constants as const
from import fits
from astropy.time import Time
from scipy.integrate import simps
from scipy.special import erf

from import DATA_PATH

from .. import _corr_fits
from .. import utils as uvutils
from .uvdata import UVData, _future_array_shapes_warning

__all__ = ["input_output_mapping", "MWACorrFITS"]

def input_output_mapping():
    """Build a mapping dictionary from pfb input to output numbers."""
    # the polyphase filter bank maps inputs to outputs, which the MWA
    # correlator then records as the antenna indices.
    # the following is taken from mwa_build_lfiles/mwac_utils.c
    # inputs are mapped to outputs via pfb_mapper as follows
    # (from mwa_build_lfiles/antenna_mapping.h):
    # floor(index/4) + index%4 * 16 = input
    # for the first 64 outputs, pfb_mapper[output] = input
    return _corr_fits.input_output_mapping()

def sighat_vector(x):
    Generate quantized sigma using Van Vleck relation.

    For an explanation of the Van Vleck relations used and their implementation
    in this code, see the memos at and

    x : numpy array
        Array of sigma inputs.

    sighat : numpy array
        Array of corresponding sigmas of quantized values.

    yy = np.arange(7)[:, np.newaxis]
    z = (2 * yy + 1) * erf((yy + 0.5) / (x * np.sqrt(2)))
    z = z.sum(axis=0)
    sighat = np.sqrt(7**2 - z)
    return sighat

def sighat_vector_prime(x):
    Calculate the derivative of sighat_vector.

    x : numpy array
        Array of sigma inputs.

    sighat : numpy array
        Array of corresponding derivatives with respect to sigma inputs.

    yy = np.arange(7)[:, np.newaxis]
    z = (
        (2 * yy + 1)
        * (yy + 0.5)
        * np.exp(-((yy + 0.5) ** 2) / (2 * (x**2)))
        / (np.sqrt(2 * np.pi) * (x**2))
    sighat_prime = z.sum(axis=0)
    sighat_prime /= sighat_vector(x)
    return sighat_prime

def corrcorrect_simps(rho, sig1, sig2):
    Generate quantized kappa using the Van Vleck relation.

    For an explanation of the Van Vleck relations used and their implementation
    in this code, see the memos at and

    rho : numpy array
        Array of rho inputs.
    sig1 : numpy array
        Array of sigma inputs corresponding to antenna 1.
    sig2: numpy array
        Array of sigma inputs corresponding to antenna 2.

    integrated_khat : numpy array
        Array of cross-correlations of quantized values.

    x = np.linspace(0, rho, 11, dtype=np.float64)
    khat = np.zeros((11, rho.size), dtype=np.float64)
    khat = _corr_fits.get_khat(x, sig1, sig2)
    integrated_khat = simps(khat, x, axis=0)
    return integrated_khat

def corrcorrect_vect_prime(rho, sig1, sig2):
    Calculate the derivative of corrcorrect_simps.

    rho : numpy array
        Array of rho inputs.
    sig1 : numpy array
        Array of sigma inputs corresponding to antenna 1.
    sig2: numpy array
        Array of sigma inputs corresponding to antenna 2.

    return _corr_fits.get_khat(rho, sig1, sig2)

def van_vleck_autos(sighat_arr):
    Use Newton's method to solve the inverse of sighat_vector.

    For an explanation of the Van Vleck corrections used and their implementation
    in this code, see the memos at and

    sighat_arr : numpy array
        Array of quantized sigma to be corrected.

    sighat_arr : numpy array
        Array of Van Vleck corrected scaled auto-correlations.

    # cut off small sigmas that will not converge
    cutoff_inds = np.where(sighat_arr > 0.5)[0]
    sighat = sighat_arr[cutoff_inds]
    if len(sighat) > 0:
        guess = np.copy(sighat)
        inds = np.where(np.abs(sighat_vector(guess) - sighat) > 1e-10)[0]
        while len(inds) != 0:
            guess[inds] -= (
                sighat_vector(guess[inds]) - sighat[inds]
            ) / sighat_vector_prime(guess[inds])
            inds = np.where(np.abs(sighat_vector(guess) - sighat) > 1e-10)[0]
        sighat_arr[cutoff_inds] = guess

    return sighat_arr

def van_vleck_crosses_int(k_arr, sig1_arr, sig2_arr, cheby_approx):
    Use Newton's method to solve the inverse of corrcorrect_simps.

    For an explanation of the Van Vleck corrections used and their implementation
    in this code, see the memos at and

    k_arr : numpy array
        Array of quantized kappa to be corrected.
    sig1_arr : numpy array
        Array of sigma inputs corresponding to antenna 1.
    sig2_arr: numpy array
        Array of sigma inputs corresponding to antenna 2.
    cheby_approx : bool
        Flag to warn if chebyshev approximation is being used.

    k_arr : numpy array
        Array of Van Vleck corrected scaled cross-correlations.

    nonzero_inds = np.where((k_arr != 0) & (sig1_arr != 0) & (sig2_arr != 0))[0]
    if len(nonzero_inds) > 0.0:
        if cheby_approx:
                + " values are being corrected with the van vleck integral"
        neg_inds = np.where(k_arr < 0.0)[0]
        khat = np.abs(k_arr[nonzero_inds])
        sig1 = sig1_arr[nonzero_inds]
        sig2 = sig2_arr[nonzero_inds]
        x0 = khat / (sig1 * sig2)
        corr = corrcorrect_simps(x0, sig1, sig2) - khat
        x0 -= corr / corrcorrect_vect_prime(x0, sig1, sig2)
        inds = np.where(np.abs(corr) > 1e-8)[0]
        while len(inds) != 0:
            corr = corrcorrect_simps(x0[inds], sig1[inds], sig2[inds]) - khat[inds]
            x0[inds] -= corr / corrcorrect_vect_prime(x0[inds], sig1[inds], sig2[inds])
            inds2 = np.where(np.abs(corr) > 1e-8)[0]
            inds = inds[inds2]
        k_arr[nonzero_inds] = x0 * sig1 * sig2
        k_arr[neg_inds] = np.negative(k_arr[neg_inds])

    return k_arr

def van_vleck_crosses_cheby(
    Compute a chebyshev approximation of corrcorrect_simps.

    Uses a bilinear interpolation to find chebyshev coefficients. Assumes distance
    between points of interpolation grid is 0.01. If sig1 or sig2 falls outside
    the interpolation grid, the corresponding values are corrected using

    For an explanation of the Van Vleck corrections used and their implementation
    in this code, see the memos at and

    khat : numpy array
        Array of quantized kappa to be corrected.
    sig1 : numpy array
        Array of sigma inputs corresponding to antenna 1.
    sig2: numpy array
        Array of sigma inputs corresponding to antenna 2.
    broad_inds : numpy array
        Array indexing sigmas within the chebyshev approximation range.
    rho_coeff : numpy array
        Array of chebyshev polynomial coefficients.
    sv_inds_right1 : numpy array
        Array of right indices for sig1 for bilinear interpolation.
    sv_inds_right2 : numpy array
        Array of right indices for sig2 for bilinear interpolation.
    ds1 : numpy array
        Distance between sig1 and right-indexed value for bilinear interpolation.
    ds2 : numpy array
        Distance between sig2 and right-indexed value for bilinear interpolation.
    cheby_approx : bool
        Flag to warn if chebyshev approximation is being used.

    khat : numpy array
        Array of Van Vleck corrected scaled cross-correlations.

    kap = np.array([khat[broad_inds].real, khat[broad_inds].imag])
    _corr_fits.van_vleck_cheby(kap, rho_coeff, sv_inds_right1, sv_inds_right2, ds1, ds2)
    khat[broad_inds] = (kap[0, :] + 1j * kap[1, :]) * (
        sig1[broad_inds] * sig2[broad_inds]
    khat[~broad_inds] = van_vleck_crosses_int(
        khat.real[~broad_inds], sig1[~broad_inds], sig2[~broad_inds], cheby_approx
    ) + 1j * van_vleck_crosses_int(
        khat.imag[~broad_inds], sig1[~broad_inds], sig2[~broad_inds], cheby_approx

    return khat

[docs]class MWACorrFITS(UVData): """ UVData subclass for reading MWA correlator fits files. This class should not be interacted with directly; instead use the read_mwa_corr_fits method on the UVData class. """
[docs] def correct_cable_length(self, cable_lens, ant_1_inds, ant_2_inds): """ Apply a cable length correction to the data array. Parameters ---------- cable_lens : list of strings A list of strings containing the cable lengths for each antenna. ant_1_inds : array An array of indices for antenna 1 ant_2_inds : array An array of indices for antenna 2 """ # as of version 0.29.X cython does not handle numpy arrays of strings # particularly efficiently. Casting to bytes, then into this demonic # form is a workaround found here: cable_lens = np.asarray(cable_lens).astype(np.string_) cable_lens = cable_lens.view("uint8").reshape( cable_lens.size, cable_lens.dtype.itemsize ) # from MWA_Tools/CONV2UVFITS/convutils.h cable_len_diffs = _corr_fits.get_cable_len_diffs( ant_1_inds, ant_2_inds, cable_lens ) self.data_array *= np.exp( -1j * 2 * np.pi * cable_len_diffs.reshape(self.Nblts, 1) /"m/s").value * self.freq_array.reshape(1, self.Nfreqs) )[:, :, None] history_add_string = " Applied cable length correction." self.history += history_add_string
[docs] def flag_init( self, num_fine_chan, edge_width=80e3, start_flag=2.0, end_flag=0.0, flag_dc_offset=True, ): """ Apply routine flagging to the MWA Correlator FITS file data. Includes options to flag the coarse channel edges, beginning and end of obs, as well as the center fine channel of each coarse channel. Parameters ---------- edge_width: float The width to flag on the edge of each coarse channel, in hz. Set to 0 for no edge flagging. start_flag: float The number of seconds to flag at the beginning of the observation. Set to 0 for no flagging. end_flag: floats The number of seconds to flag at the end of the observation. Set to 0 for no flagging. flag_dc_offset: bool Set to True to flag the center fine channel of each coarse channel. Raises ------ ValueError If edge_width is not an integer multiple of the channel_width of the data (0 also acceptable). If start_flag is not an integer multiple of the integration time (0 also acceptable). If end_flag is not an integer multiple of the integration time (0 also acceptable). """ if (edge_width % self.channel_width[0]) > 0: raise ValueError( "The edge_width must be an integer multiple of the " "channel_width of the data or zero." ) if (start_flag % self.integration_time[0]) > 0: raise ValueError( "The start_flag must be an integer multiple of the " "integration_time of the data or zero." ) if (end_flag % self.integration_time[0]) > 0: raise ValueError( "The end_flag must be an integer multiple of the " "integration_time of the data or zero." ) num_ch_flag = int(edge_width / self.channel_width[0]) num_start_flag = int(start_flag / self.integration_time[0]) num_end_flag = int(end_flag / self.integration_time[0]) shape = self.flag_array.shape reshape = [self.Ntimes, self.Nbls, self.Nfreqs, self.Npols] self.flag_array = ( self.flag_array if (shape == reshape) else np.reshape(self.flag_array, reshape) ) bad_chan_inds = [] if num_ch_flag > 0: for ch_count in range(num_ch_flag): # count up from the left left_chans = list(range(ch_count, self.Nfreqs, num_fine_chan)) # count down from the right right_chans = list(range(self.Nfreqs - 1 - ch_count, 0, -num_fine_chan)) bad_chan_inds += left_chans + right_chans if flag_dc_offset: bad_chan_inds += list(range(num_fine_chan // 2, self.Nfreqs, num_fine_chan)) if len(bad_chan_inds) != 0: self.flag_array[:, :, bad_chan_inds, :] = True if (num_start_flag > 0) or (num_end_flag > 0): if num_start_flag > 0: self.flag_array[:num_start_flag] = True if num_end_flag > 0: self.flag_array[-num_end_flag:] = True self.flag_array = np.reshape(self.flag_array, shape) self.flag_array = ( self.flag_array if (shape == reshape) else np.reshape(self.flag_array, shape) )
def _read_fits_file( self, filename, time_array, file_nums, num_fine_chans, int_time, mwax, map_inds, conj, pol_index_array, ): """ Read the fits file and populate into memory. This is an internal function and should not regularly be called except by read_mwa_corr_fits function. It is designed to close the fits files, headers, and all associated pointers. Without this read in a function, reading files has a large memory footprint. Parameters ---------- filename : str The mwa gpubox fits file to read time_array : array of floats The time_array object constructed during read_mwa_corr_fits call file_nums : array List of included file numbers ordered by coarse channel num_fine_chans : int Number of fine channels in each data file int_time : float The integration time of each observation. map_inds : array Indices for reordering data_array from weird correlator packing. conj : array Indices for conjugating data_array from weird correlator packing. pol_index_array : array Indices for reordering polarizations to the 'AIPS' convention """ # get the file number from the file name if mwax: file_num = int(filename.split("_")[-2][-3:]) else: file_num = int(filename.split("_")[-2][-2:]) # map file number to frequency index freq_ind = np.where(file_nums == file_num)[0][0] * num_fine_chans # get a coarse channel index for flag array coarse_ind = np.where(file_nums == file_num)[0][0] # create an intermediate array for data if mwax: coarse_chan_data = np.zeros( (self.Ntimes, self.Nbls, num_fine_chans * self.Npols), dtype=np.complex64, ) else: coarse_chan_data = np.zeros( (self.Ntimes, num_fine_chans, self.Nbls * self.Npols), dtype=np.complex64, ) with, mode="denywrite") as hdu_list: # if mwax, data is in every other hdu if mwax: hdu_list = hdu_list[1::2] for hdu in hdu_list: # entry 0 is a header, so we skip it. if is None: continue time = ( hdu.header["TIME"] + hdu.header["MILLITIM"] / 1000.0 + int_time / 2.0 ) time_ind = np.where(time_array == time)[0][0] # dump data into matrix # and take data from real to complex numbers coarse_chan_data[time_ind, :, :] = ([:, 0::2] + 1j *[:, 1::2] ) # fill nsample and flag arrays # think about using the mwax weights array in the future self.nsample_array[ time_ind, :, freq_ind : freq_ind + num_fine_chans, : ] = 1.0 self.flag_array[time_ind, :, coarse_ind, :] = False if not mwax: # do mapping and reshaping here to avoid copying whole data_array np.take(coarse_chan_data, map_inds, axis=2, out=coarse_chan_data) # conjugate data coarse_chan_data[:, :, conj] = np.conj(coarse_chan_data[:, :, conj]) # reshape if mwax: coarse_chan_data = coarse_chan_data.reshape( (self.Ntimes, self.Nbls, num_fine_chans, self.Npols) ) else: coarse_chan_data = coarse_chan_data.reshape( (self.Ntimes, num_fine_chans, self.Nbls, self.Npols) ) coarse_chan_data = np.swapaxes(coarse_chan_data, 1, 2) coarse_chan_data = coarse_chan_data.reshape( self.Nblts, num_fine_chans, self.Npols ) # reorder pols here to avoid memory spike from self.reorder_pols np.take(coarse_chan_data, pol_index_array, axis=-1, out=coarse_chan_data) # make a mask where data actually is so coarse channels that # are split into two files don't overwrite eachother data_mask = coarse_chan_data != 0 self.data_array[:, freq_ind : freq_ind + num_fine_chans, :][ data_mask ] = coarse_chan_data[data_mask] return def _read_flag_file(self, filename, file_nums, num_fine_chans): """ Read aoflagger flag file into flag_array. Parameters ---------- filename : str The aoflagger fits file to read. file_nums : array List of included file numbers ordered by coarse channel. num_fine_chans : int Number of fine channels in each data file. """ flag_num = int(filename.split("_")[-1][0:2]) # map file number to frequency index freq_ind = np.where(file_nums == flag_num)[0][0] * num_fine_chans with, mode="denywrite") as aoflags: flags = aoflags[1].data.field("FLAGS") # some flag files are longer than data; crop the ends flags = flags[: self.Nblts, :] # some flag files are shorter than data; assume same end time blt_ind = self.Nblts - len(flags) flags = flags[:, :, np.newaxis] self.flag_array[ blt_ind:, freq_ind : freq_ind + num_fine_chans, : ] = np.logical_or( self.flag_array[blt_ind:, freq_ind : freq_ind + num_fine_chans, :], flags )
[docs] def van_vleck_correction( self, ant_1_inds, ant_2_inds, flagged_ant_inds, cheby_approx, data_array_dtype ): """ Apply a van vleck correction to the data array. For an explanation of the Van Vleck corrections used and their implementation in this code, see the memos at and Parameters ---------- ant_1_inds : array An array of indices for antenna 1. ant_2_inds : array An array of indices for antenna 2. flagged_ant_inds : numpy array of type int List of indices of flagged antennas. cheby_approx : bool Option to implement the van vleck correction with a chebyshev polynomial. approximation. data_array_dtype : numpy dtype Datatype to store the output data_array as. """ history_add_string = " Applied Van Vleck correction." # reshape to (nbls, ntimes, nfreqs, npols) self.data_array = self.data_array.reshape( self.Ntimes, self.Nbls, self.Nfreqs, self.Npols ) self.data_array = np.swapaxes(self.data_array, 0, 1) # combine axes self.data_array = self.data_array.reshape( (self.Nbls, self.Nfreqs * self.Ntimes, self.Npols) ) # need data array to have 64 bit precision # work on this in the future to only change precision where necessary if self.data_array.dtype != np.complex128: self.data_array = self.data_array.astype(np.complex128) # scale the data # number of samples per fine channel is equal to channel width (Hz) # multiplied be the integration time (s) # circular symmetry gives a factor of two nsamples = self.channel_width[0] * self.integration_time[0] * 2 self.data_array /= nsamples # get indices for autos autos = np.where( self.ant_1_array[0 : self.Nbls] == self.ant_2_array[0 : self.Nbls] )[0] # get indices for crosses crosses = np.where( self.ant_1_array[0 : self.Nbls] != self.ant_2_array[0 : self.Nbls] )[0] # find polarizations xx = np.where(self.polarization_array == -5)[0][0] yy = np.where(self.polarization_array == -6)[0][0] xy = np.where(self.polarization_array == -7)[0][0] yx = np.where(self.polarization_array == -8)[0][0] pols = np.array([yy, xx]) # square root autos auto_inds = autos[:, np.newaxis] self.data_array.real[auto_inds, :, pols] = np.sqrt( self.data_array.real[auto_inds, :, pols] ) # get unflagged autos good_autos = np.delete(autos, flagged_ant_inds) sighat = self.data_array.real[good_autos[:, np.newaxis], :, pols].flatten() # correct autos sigma = van_vleck_autos(sighat) self.data_array.real[good_autos[:, np.newaxis], :, pols] = sigma.reshape( len(good_autos), len(pols), self.Ntimes * self.Nfreqs ) # get good crosses bad_ant_inds = np.nonzero( np.logical_or( np.isin(ant_1_inds[0 : self.Nbls], flagged_ant_inds), np.isin(ant_2_inds[0 : self.Nbls], flagged_ant_inds), ) )[0] crosses = np.delete(crosses, np.nonzero(np.isin(crosses, bad_ant_inds))[0]) # correct crosses if cheby_approx: history_add_string += " Used Van Vleck Chebychev approximation." # load in interpolation files with h5py.File(DATA_PATH + "/mwa_config_data/Chebychev_coeff.h5", "r") as f: rho_coeff = f["rho_data"][:] with h5py.File(DATA_PATH + "/mwa_config_data/sigma1.h5", "r") as f: sig_vec = f["sig_data"][:] sigs = self.data_array.real[autos[:, np.newaxis], :, pols] # find sigmas within interpolation range in_inds = np.logical_and(sigs > 0.9, sigs <= 4.5) # get indices and distances for bilinear interpolation sv_inds_right = np.zeros(in_inds.shape, dtype=np.int64) ds = np.zeros(in_inds.shape) sv_inds_right[in_inds] = np.searchsorted(sig_vec, sigs[in_inds]) ds[in_inds] = sig_vec[sv_inds_right[in_inds]] - sigs[in_inds] # get indices for sigmas corresponding to crosses sig1_inds = ant_1_inds[crosses] sig2_inds = ant_2_inds[crosses] # iterate over polarization pol_dict = { yy: [(yy, yy), (0, 0)], yx: [(yy, xx), (0, 1)], xy: [(xx, yy), (1, 0)], xx: [(xx, xx), (1, 1)], } for i in [xx, yy, xy, yx]: (pol1, pol2) = pol_dict[i][1] (sig1_pol, sig2_pol) = pol_dict[i][0] # broadcast in_inds broad_inds = np.logical_and( in_inds[sig1_inds, pol1, :], in_inds[sig2_inds, pol2, :] ) # broadcast indices and distances for bilinear interpolation sv_inds_right1 = sv_inds_right[sig1_inds, pol1, :][broad_inds] sv_inds_right2 = sv_inds_right[sig2_inds, pol2, :][broad_inds] ds1 = ds[sig1_inds, pol1, :][broad_inds] ds2 = ds[sig2_inds, pol2, :][broad_inds] self.data_array[crosses, :, i] = van_vleck_crosses_cheby( self.data_array[crosses, :, i], self.data_array.real[autos[sig1_inds], :, sig1_pol], self.data_array.real[autos[sig2_inds], :, sig2_pol], broad_inds, rho_coeff, sv_inds_right1, sv_inds_right2, ds1, ds2, cheby_approx, ) # correct yx autos sig_inds = ant_1_inds[good_autos] broad_inds = np.logical_and( in_inds[sig_inds, 0, :], in_inds[sig_inds, 1, :] ) sv_inds_right1 = sv_inds_right[sig_inds, 0, :][broad_inds] sv_inds_right2 = sv_inds_right[sig_inds, 1, :][broad_inds] ds1 = ds[sig_inds, 0, :][broad_inds] ds2 = ds[sig_inds, 1, :][broad_inds] self.data_array[good_autos, :, yx] = van_vleck_crosses_cheby( self.data_array[good_autos, :, yx], self.data_array.real[good_autos, :, yy], self.data_array.real[good_autos, :, xx], broad_inds, rho_coeff, sv_inds_right1, sv_inds_right2, ds1, ds2, cheby_approx, ) # add back in frequency axis self.data_array = self.data_array.reshape( (self.Nbls, self.Ntimes, self.Nfreqs, self.Npols) ) # solve integral directly else: # add back in frequency axis self.data_array = self.data_array.reshape( (self.Nbls, self.Ntimes, self.Nfreqs, self.Npols) ) for k in crosses: auto1 = autos[ant_1_inds[k]] auto2 = autos[ant_2_inds[k]] for j in range(self.Nfreqs): # get data sig1 = self.data_array.real[ auto1, :, j, np.array([yy, yy, xx, xx]) ].flatten() sig2 = self.data_array.real[ auto2, :, j, np.array([yy, xx, yy, xx]) ].flatten() khat = self.data_array[ k, :, j, np.array([yy, yx, xy, xx]) ].flatten() # correct real kap = van_vleck_crosses_int(khat.real, sig1, sig2, cheby_approx) self.data_array.real[ k, :, j, np.array([yy, yx, xy, xx]) ] = kap.reshape(self.Npols, self.Ntimes) # correct imaginary kap = van_vleck_crosses_int(khat.imag, sig1, sig2, cheby_approx) self.data_array.imag[ k, :, j, np.array([yy, yx, xy, xx]) ] = kap.reshape(self.Npols, self.Ntimes) # correct yx autos for k in good_autos: for j in range(self.Nfreqs): # get data sig1 = self.data_array.real[k, :, j, yy] sig2 = self.data_array.real[k, :, j, xx] khat = self.data_array[k, :, j, yx] # correct real kap = van_vleck_crosses_int(khat.real, sig1, sig2, cheby_approx) self.data_array.real[k, :, j, yx] = kap # correct imaginary kap = van_vleck_crosses_int(khat.imag, sig1, sig2, cheby_approx) self.data_array.imag[k, :, j, yx] = kap # correct xy autos self.data_array[good_autos, :, :, xy] = np.conj( self.data_array[good_autos, :, :, yx] ) # square autos self.data_array.real[auto_inds, :, :, pols] = ( self.data_array.real[auto_inds, :, :, pols] ** 2 ) # reshape to (nblts, nfreqs, npols) self.data_array = np.swapaxes(self.data_array, 0, 1) self.data_array = self.data_array.reshape(self.Nblts, self.Nfreqs, self.Npols) # rescale the data self.data_array *= nsamples # return data array to desired precision if self.data_array.dtype != data_array_dtype: self.data_array = self.data_array.astype(data_array_dtype) self.history += history_add_string
def _flag_small_auto_ants( self, nsamples, flag_small_auto_ants, ant_1_inds, ant_2_inds, flagged_ant_inds ): """ Find and flag autocorrelations below a threshold. Specifically, look for autocorrelations < 0.5 * channel_width * int_time, as these have been found by the Van Vleck correction to indicate bad data. If flag_small_auto_ants is True, then antennas with autos below the threshold will be flagged completely. Otherwise, antennas will be flagged at only the times and frequencies at which their autos are below the threshold. Parameters ---------- nsamples : int Twice the numkber of electric field samples in an autocorrelation; equal to 2 * channel_width * int_time. The auto divided by nsamples is equal to the expectation value of the electric field samples squared. flag_small_auto_ants : bool Keyword option to flag antenna entirely or only at specific times and frequencies. ant_1_inds : numpy array of type int Indices of antenna 1 corresponding the the baseline-time axis. ant_2_inds : numpy array of type int Indices of antenna 2 corresponding the the baseline-time axis. flagged_ant_inds : numpy array of type int List of indices of flagged antennas. Returns ------- flagged_ant_inds : numpy array of type int Updated list of indices of flagged antennas. """ # calculate threshold so that average cross multiply = 0.25 threshold = 0.25 * nsamples # look for small autos and flag auto_inds = self.ant_1_array == self.ant_2_array autos = self.data_array.real[auto_inds, :, 0:2] # auto_flags = self.flag_array[auto_inds, :, 0:2] autos = autos.reshape(self.Ntimes, self.Nants_data, self.Nfreqs, 2) # find autos below threshold small_auto_flags = np.logical_and(autos != 0, autos <= threshold) if flag_small_auto_ants: # find antenna indices for small sig ants and add to flagged_ant_inds ant_inds = np.unique(np.nonzero(small_auto_flags)[1]) ant_inds = ant_inds[~np.in1d(ant_inds, flagged_ant_inds)] if len(ant_inds) != 0: self.history += ( " The following antennas were flagged by the Van Vleck correction: " + str(ant_inds) + "." ) flagged_ant_inds = np.concatenate((flagged_ant_inds, ant_inds)) else: # get flags for small auto ants and add to flag array small_auto_flags = np.logical_or( small_auto_flags[:, :, :, 0], small_auto_flags[:, :, :, 1] ) # broadcast autos flags to corresponding crosses small_auto_flags = np.logical_or( small_auto_flags[:, ant_1_inds[: self.Nbls], :], small_auto_flags[:, ant_2_inds[: self.Nbls], :], ) small_auto_flags = small_auto_flags.reshape(self.Nblts, self.Nfreqs) self.flag_array = np.logical_or( self.flag_array, small_auto_flags[:, :, np.newaxis] ) return flagged_ant_inds def _get_pfb_shape(self, avg_factor, mwax): """ Get pfb shape from file and apply appropriate averaging. Parameters ---------- avg_factor : int Factor by which frequency channels have been averaged. Returns ------- cb_array : numpy array of type float Array corresponding to pfb shape for a coarse band. """ if mwax: if self.channel_width[0] == 40000: with h5py.File( DATA_PATH + "/mwa_config_data/mwax_pfb_bandpass_40kHz.h5", "r" ) as f: cb_array = f["coarse_band"][:] elif self.channel_width[0] == 80000: with h5py.File( DATA_PATH + "/mwa_config_data/mwax_pfb_bandpass_80kHz.h5", "r" ) as f: cb_array = f["coarse_band"][:] else: raise ValueError( "mwax passband shapes are only available for 40 kHz and 80 kHz" "fine channel widths. To request a passband for a different fine " "channel width create an issue on the pyuvdata repository. To run " "without a passband, resubmit with correct_coarse_band=False" ) else: with h5py.File( DATA_PATH + "/mwa_config_data/MWA_rev_cb_10khz_doubles.h5", "r" ) as f: cb = f["coarse_band"][:] cb_array = cb.reshape(int(128 / avg_factor), int(avg_factor)) cb_array = np.average(cb_array, axis=1) return cb_array def _correct_coarse_band( self, cb_num, ant_1_inds, ant_2_inds, cb_array, dig_gains, nsamples, num_fine_chans, correct_van_vleck, remove_coarse_band, remove_dig_gains, ): """ Apply pfb, digital gain, and Van Vleck corrections to a coarse band. Parameters ---------- cb_num : int Index of coarse band. ant_1_inds : numpy array of type int Indices of antenna 1 corresponding the the baseline-time axis. ant_2_inds : numpy array of type int Indices of antenna 2 corresponding the the baseline-time axis. cb_array : numpy array of type float Array corresponding to pfb shape for a coarse band. dig_gains : numpy array of type float Array corresponding to digital gains for each antenna and coarse band. nsamples : int Twice the numkber of electric field samples in an autocorrelation; equal to 2 * channel_width * int_time. The auto divided by nsamples is equal to the expectation value of the electric field sample squared. num_fine_chans : int Number of fine channels in each data file. correct_van_vleck : bool Option to apply Van Vleck correction to data. remove_coarse_band : bool Option to remove pfb coarse band shape from data. remove_dig_gains : bool Option to remove digital gains from data. """ # get coarse band data as np.complex128 cb_data = self.data_array[ :, cb_num * num_fine_chans : (cb_num + 1) * num_fine_chans, : ].astype(np.complex128) # remove digital gains if remove_dig_gains: dig_gains1 = dig_gains[ant_1_inds, cb_num, np.newaxis, np.newaxis] dig_gains2 = dig_gains[ant_2_inds, cb_num, np.newaxis, np.newaxis] cb_data /= dig_gains1 cb_data /= dig_gains2 # remove coarse band if remove_coarse_band: cb_data /= cb_array[:num_fine_chans, np.newaxis] # put corrected data back into data array self.data_array[ :, cb_num * num_fine_chans : (cb_num + 1) * num_fine_chans, : ] = cb_data def _apply_corrections( self, mwax, ant_1_inds, ant_2_inds, avg_factor, dig_gains, spw_inds, num_fine_chans, flagged_ant_inds, cheby_approx, data_array_dtype, flag_small_auto_ants, correct_van_vleck, remove_coarse_band, remove_dig_gains, ): """ Prepare and apply pfb, digital gain, and Van Vleck corrections. Parameters ---------- ant_1_inds : numpy array of type int Indices of antenna 1 corresponding the the baseline-time axis. ant_2_inds : numpy array of type int Indices of antenna 2 corresponding the the baseline-time axis. avg_factor : int Factor by which frequency channels have been averaged. dig_gains : array Array of digital gains with shape (Nants, Ncoarse_chans). spw_inds : array of type int Array of coarse band numbers. num_fine_chans : int Number of fine channels in each data file. flagged_ant_inds : numpy array of type int List of indices of flagged antennas. cheby_approx : bool Option to use chebyshev approximation for Van Vleck correction. data_array_dtype : numpy dtype Datatype to store the output data_array as. flag_small_auto_ants : bool Option to completely flag antennas found by _flag_small_auto_ants. correct_van_vleck : bool Option to apply Van Vleck correction to data. remove_coarse_band : bool Option to remove pfb coarse band shape from data. remove_dig_gains : bool Option to remove digital gains from data. Returns ------- flagged_ant_inds : numpy array of type int Updated list of indices of flagged antennas """ # get nsamples and check for small auto ants if correct_van_vleck: self.history += " Applied Van Vleck correction." # calculate number of samples going into real or imaginary part # factor of two comes from variables being circularly-symmetric nsamples = self.channel_width[0] * self.integration_time[0] * 2 # look for small auto data and flag flagged_ant_inds = self._flag_small_auto_ants( nsamples, flag_small_auto_ants, ant_1_inds, ant_2_inds, flagged_ant_inds ) else: nsamples = None # get digital gains if remove_dig_gains: self.history += " Divided out digital gains." # get gains for included coarse channels # During commissioning a shift in the bit selection in the digital # receiver was implemented which changed the data scaling by # a factor of 64. To be compatible with the earlier scaling scheme, # the digital gains are divided by a factor of 64 here. # For a more detailed explanation, see PR #908. dig_gains = dig_gains[:, spw_inds] / 64 else: dig_gains = None # get pfb response shape if remove_coarse_band: self.history += " Divided out pfb coarse channel bandpass." cb_array = self._get_pfb_shape(avg_factor, mwax) else: cb_array = None # apply corrections to each coarse band for i in range(len(spw_inds)): self._correct_coarse_band( i, ant_1_inds, ant_2_inds, cb_array, dig_gains, nsamples, num_fine_chans, correct_van_vleck, remove_coarse_band, remove_dig_gains, ) return flagged_ant_inds
[docs] def read_mwa_corr_fits( self, filelist, use_aoflagger_flags=None, remove_dig_gains=True, remove_coarse_band=True, correct_cable_len=None, correct_van_vleck=False, cheby_approx=True, flag_small_auto_ants=True, phase_to_pointing_center=False, propagate_coarse_flags=True, flag_init=True, edge_width=80e3, start_flag="goodtime", end_flag=0.0, flag_dc_offset=True, remove_flagged_ants=True, background_lsts=True, read_data=True, data_array_dtype=np.complex64, nsample_array_dtype=np.float32, run_check=True, check_extra=True, run_check_acceptability=True, strict_uvw_antpos_check=False, check_autos=True, fix_autos=True, use_future_array_shapes=False, ): """ Read in MWA correlator gpu box files. The default settings remove some of the instrumental effects in the bandpass by dividing out the coarse band shape (for legacy data only) and the digital gains, and applying a cable length correction. If the desired output is raw correlator data, set remove_dig_gains=False, remove_coarse_band=False, correct_cable_len=False, and phase_to_pointing_center=False. Parameters ---------- filelist : list of str The list of MWA correlator files to read from. Must include at least one fits file and only one metafits file per data set. Can also be a list of lists to read multiple data sets. axis : str Axis to concatenate files along. This enables fast concatenation along the specified axis without the normal checking that all other metadata agrees. This method does not guarantee correct resulting objects. Please see the docstring for fast_concat for details. Allowed values are: 'blt', 'freq', 'polarization'. Only used if multiple files are passed. use_aoflagger_flags : bool Option to use aoflagger mwaf flag files. Defaults to true if aoflagger flag files are submitted. remove_dig_gains : bool Option to divide out digital gains. remove_coarse_band : bool Option to divide out coarse band shape. correct_cable_len : bool Option to apply a cable delay correction. correct_van_vleck : bool Option to apply a van vleck correction. cheby_approx : bool Only used if correct_van_vleck is True. Option to implement the van vleck correction with a chebyshev polynomial approximation. flag_small_auto_ants : bool Only used if correct_van_vleck is True. Option to completely flag any antenna for which the autocorrelation falls below a threshold found by the Van Vleck correction to indicate bad data. Specifically, the threshold used is 0.5 * integration_time * channel_width. If set to False, only the times and frequencies at which the auto is below the threshold will be flagged for the antenna. phase_to_pointing_center : bool Option to phase to the observation pointing center. propagate_coarse_flags : bool Option to propagate flags for missing coarse channel integrations across frequency. flag_init: bool Set to True in order to do routine flagging of coarse channel edges, start or end integrations, or the center fine channel of each coarse channel. See associated keywords. edge_width: float Only used if flag_init is True. The width to flag on the edge of each coarse channel, in hz. Errors if not equal to integer multiple of channel_width. Set to 0 for no edge flagging. start_flag: float or str Only used if flag_init is True. The number of seconds to flag at the beginning of the observation. Set to 0 for no flagging. Default is 'goodtime', which uses information in the metafits file to determine the length of time that should be flagged. Errors if input is not a float or 'goodtime'. Errors if float input is not equal to an integer multiple of the integration time. end_flag: floats Only used if flag_init is True. The number of seconds to flag at the end of the observation. Set to 0 for no flagging. Errors if not equal to an integer multiple of the integration time. flag_dc_offset: bool Only used if flag_init is True. Set to True to flag the center fine channel of each coarse channel. remove_flagged_ants : bool Option to perform a select to remove antennas flagged in the metafits file. If correct_van_vleck and flag_small_auto_ants are both True then antennas flagged by the Van Vleck correction are also removed. background_lsts : bool When set to True, the lst_array is calculated in a background thread. read_data : bool Read in the visibility, nsample and flag data. If set to False, only the metadata will be read in. Setting read_data to False results in a metadata only object. data_array_dtype : numpy dtype Datatype to store the output data_array as. Must be either np.complex64 (single-precision real and imaginary) or np.complex128 (double-precision real and imaginary). nsample_array_dtype : numpy dtype Datatype to store the output nsample_array as. Must be either np.float64 (double-precision), np.float32 (single-precision), or np.float16 (half-precision). Half-precision is only recommended for cases where no sampling or averaging of baselines will occur, because round-off errors can be quite large (~1e-3). run_check : bool Option to check for the existence and proper shapes of parameters after after reading in the file (the default is True, meaning the check will be run). check_extra : bool Option to check optional parameters as well as required ones (the default is True, meaning the optional parameters will be checked). run_check_acceptability : bool Option to check acceptable range of the values of parameters after reading in the file (the default is True, meaning the acceptable range check will be done). strict_uvw_antpos_check : bool Option to raise an error rather than a warning if the check that uvws match antenna positions does not pass. check_autos : bool Check whether any auto-correlations have non-zero imaginary values in data_array (which should not mathematically exist). Default is True. fix_autos : bool If auto-correlations with imaginary values are found, fix those values so that they are real-only in data_array. Default is True. use_future_array_shapes : bool Option to convert to the future planned array shapes before the changes go into effect by removing the spectral window axis. Raises ------ ValueError If required files are missing or multiple files metafits files are included in filelist. If files from different observations are included in filelist. If files in fileslist have different fine channel widths If file types other than fits, metafits, and mwaf files are included in filelist. """ metafits_file = None ppds_file = None obs_id = None file_dict = {} start_time = 0.0 end_time = 0.0 included_file_nums = [] included_flag_nums = [] aoflagger_warning = False num_fine_chans = 0 mwax = None # do datatype checks if data_array_dtype not in (np.complex64, np.complex128): raise ValueError("data_array_dtype must be np.complex64 or np.complex128") if nsample_array_dtype not in (np.float64, np.float32, np.float16): raise ValueError( "nsample_array_dtype must be one of: np.float64, np.float32, np.float16" ) # do start_flag check if not isinstance(start_flag, (int, float)): if start_flag != "goodtime": raise ValueError("start_flag must be int or float or 'goodtime'") # set future array shapes self._set_future_array_shapes() # iterate through files and organize # create a list of included file numbers # find the first and last times that have data for filename in filelist: # update filename attribute basename = os.path.basename(filename) self.filename = uvutils._combine_filenames(self.filename, [basename]) self._filename.form = (len(self.filename),) if filename.lower().endswith(".metafits"): # force only one metafits file if metafits_file is not None: raise ValueError("multiple metafits files in filelist") metafits_file = filename elif filename.lower().endswith(".fits"): with, memmap=True) as hdu_list: hdunames = uvutils._fits_indexhdus(hdu_list) if "PPDS" in hdunames.keys(): ppds_file = filename ppd_meta_header = hdu_list[0].header ppd_extra_keywords = uvutils._get_fits_extra_keywords( ppd_meta_header, keywords_to_skip=["DATE-OBS", "TELESCOP", "INSTRUME"], ) else: # check obsid head0 = hdu_list[0].header if obs_id is None: obs_id = head0["OBSID"] else: if head0["OBSID"] != obs_id: raise ValueError( "files from different observations submitted " "in same list" ) # check if mwax if mwax is None: if "CORR_VER" in head0.keys(): mwax = True # save mwax version #s into extra_keywords self.extra_keywords["U2S_VER"] = head0["U2S_VER"] self.extra_keywords["CBF_VER"] = head0["CBF_VER"] self.extra_keywords["DB2F_VER"] = head0["DB2F_VER"] else: mwax = False # check headers for first and last times containing data headstart = hdu_list[1].header headfin = hdu_list[-1].header first_time = headstart["TIME"] + headstart["MILLITIM"] / 1000.0 last_time = headfin["TIME"] + headfin["MILLITIM"] / 1000.0 if start_time == 0.0: start_time = first_time # check that files with a timing offset can be aligned elif np.abs(start_time - first_time) % head0["INTTIME"] != 0.0: raise ValueError( "coarse channel start times are misaligned by an " "amount =that is not an integer multiple of the " "integration time" ) elif start_time > first_time: start_time = first_time if end_time < last_time: end_time = last_time # get number of fine channels in each coarse channel if num_fine_chans == 0: if mwax: # number of fine channels is multiplied by 4 (pols) # and by 2 (real and imaginary parts) num_fine_chans = int(headstart["NAXIS1"] / 8) else: num_fine_chans = headstart["NAXIS2"] else: if mwax: if num_fine_chans != int(headstart["NAXIS1"] / 8): raise ValueError( "files submitted have different numbers of " "fine channels" ) else: if num_fine_chans != headstart["NAXIS2"]: raise ValueError( "files submitted have different numbers of " "fine channels" ) # get the file number from the file name; # this will later be mapped to a coarse channel if mwax: file_num = int(filename.split("_")[-2][-3:]) else: file_num = int(filename.split("_")[-2][-2:]) if file_num not in included_file_nums: included_file_nums.append(file_num) # organize files if "data" not in file_dict.keys(): file_dict["data"] = [filename] else: file_dict["data"].append(filename) # save bscale keyword # look for bscale in the first hdu, as some data does not # record it in the zeroth hdu if not mwax: if "SCALEFAC" not in self.extra_keywords.keys(): if "BSCALE" in headstart.keys(): self.extra_keywords["SCALEFAC"] = headstart[ "BSCALE" ] else: # correlator did a divide by 4 before october 2014 self.extra_keywords["SCALEFAC"] = 0.25 # look for flag files elif filename.lower().endswith(".mwaf"): if use_aoflagger_flags is None: use_aoflagger_flags = True flag_num = int(filename.split("_")[-1][0:2]) included_flag_nums.append(flag_num) if use_aoflagger_flags is False and aoflagger_warning is False: warnings.warn("mwaf files submitted with use_aoflagger_flags=False") aoflagger_warning = True elif "flags" not in file_dict.keys(): file_dict["flags"] = [filename] else: file_dict["flags"].append(filename) else: raise ValueError("only fits, metafits, and mwaf files supported") # checks: if metafits_file is None and ppds_file is None: raise ValueError("no metafits file submitted") elif metafits_file is None: metafits_file = ppds_file if "data" not in file_dict.keys(): raise ValueError("no data files submitted") if "flags" not in file_dict.keys() and use_aoflagger_flags: raise ValueError( "no flag files submitted. Rerun with flag files or " "use_aoflagger_flags=False" ) # reorder file numbers included_file_nums = sorted(included_file_nums) included_flag_nums = sorted(included_flag_nums) # first set parameters that are always true self.Nspws = 1 self.spw_array = np.array([0]) self.vis_units = "uncalib" self.Npols = 4 self.xorientation = "east" # get information from metafits file with, memmap=True) as meta: meta_hdr = meta[0].header # get a list of coarse channels coarse_chans = meta_hdr["CHANNELS"].split(",") coarse_chans = np.array(sorted(int(i) for i in coarse_chans)) # fine channel width channel_width = float(meta_hdr.pop("FINECHAN") * 1000) # number of fine channels in observation obs_num_fine_chans = meta_hdr["NCHANS"] # calculate number of fine channels per coarse channel coarse_num_fine_chans = obs_num_fine_chans / len(coarse_chans) # center frequency of first fine channel of center coarse channel in hertz # For the legacy correlator, the metafits file includes the observation # frequency center, which is the center frequency of the first fine # channel of the center coarse channel. (If there are an even number of # coarse channels, the center channel is to the right). # For mwax, the center frequency of the first fine channel of a coarse # channel is the leftmost edge of the coarse channel if the number of # fine channels per coarse channel is even. Otherwise it is offset by # half of the fine channel width. if mwax: # calculate coarse channel width in MHz coarse_chan_width = meta_hdr["BANDWDTH"] / len(coarse_chans) # coarse channel center freq is channel number * coarse channel width center_coarse_chan_center = ( meta_hdr["CENTCHAN"] * coarse_chan_width * 1e6 ) # calculate center of first fine channel; this works if the number of # fine channels is even or odd obs_freq_center = ( center_coarse_chan_center - int(coarse_num_fine_chans / 2) * channel_width ) else: obs_freq_center = meta_hdr["FREQCENT"] * 1e6 # frequency averaging factor avg_factor = meta_hdr["NAV_FREQ"] # integration time in seconds int_time = meta_hdr["INTTIME"] # pointing center in degrees ra_deg = meta_hdr["RA"] dec_deg = meta_hdr["DEC"] ra_rad = np.pi * ra_deg / 180 dec_rad = np.pi * dec_deg / 180 # set start_flag with goodtime if flag_init and start_flag == "goodtime": # ppds file does not contain this key if "GOODTIME" not in meta_hdr: raise ValueError( "To use start_flag='goodtime', a .metafits file must be " "submitted" ) if meta_hdr["GOODTIME"] > start_time: start_flag = meta_hdr["GOODTIME"] - start_time # round start_flag up to nearest multiple of int_time if start_flag % int_time > 0: start_flag = (1 + int(start_flag / int_time)) * int_time else: start_flag = 0.0 if "HISTORY" in meta_hdr: self.history = str(meta_hdr["HISTORY"]) meta_hdr.remove("HISTORY", remove_all=True) else: self.history = "" if not uvutils._check_history_version( self.history, self.pyuvdata_version_str ): self.history += self.pyuvdata_version_str self.instrument = meta_hdr["TELESCOP"] self.telescope_name = meta_hdr.pop("TELESCOP") self.Nants_telescope = int(meta_hdr.pop("INSTRUME")[0:3]) object_name = meta_hdr.pop("FILENAME") # if not mwax, remove mwax-specific keys mwax_keys_to_skip = [] if not mwax: mwax_keys_to_skip = [ "DELAYMOD", "DELDESC", "CABLEDEL", "GEODEL", "CALIBDEL", ] # store remaining keys in extra keywords meta_extra_keywords = uvutils._get_fits_extra_keywords( meta_hdr, keywords_to_skip=["DATE-OBS"] + mwax_keys_to_skip ) for key, value in meta_extra_keywords.items(): self.extra_keywords[key] = value if ppds_file is not None: # get any unique ones from ppd file for key, value in ppd_extra_keywords.items(): if key not in self.extra_keywords.keys(): self.extra_keywords[key] = value # get antenna data from metafits file table meta_tbl = meta[1].data # because of polarization, each antenna # is listed twice antenna_inds = meta_tbl["Antenna"][1::2] antenna_numbers = meta_tbl["Tile"][1::2] antenna_names = meta_tbl["TileName"][1::2] flagged_ant_inds = antenna_inds[meta_tbl["Flag"][1::2] == 1] cable_lens = np.asarray(meta_tbl["Length"][1::2]).astype(np.str_) dig_gains = meta_tbl["Gains"][1::2, :].astype(np.float64) # get antenna postions in enu coordinates antenna_positions = np.zeros((len(antenna_numbers), 3)) antenna_positions[:, 0] = meta_tbl["East"][1::2] antenna_positions[:, 1] = meta_tbl["North"][1::2] antenna_positions[:, 2] = meta_tbl["Height"][1::2] # reorder antenna parameters from metafits ordering reordered_inds = antenna_inds.argsort() self.antenna_numbers = antenna_numbers[reordered_inds] self.antenna_names = list(antenna_names[reordered_inds]) antenna_positions = antenna_positions[reordered_inds, :] cable_lens = cable_lens[reordered_inds] dig_gains = dig_gains[reordered_inds, :] # set parameters from other parameters self.Nants_data = len(self.antenna_numbers) self.Nbls = int( len(self.antenna_numbers) * (len(self.antenna_numbers) + 1) / 2.0 ) if phase_to_pointing_center: # use another name to prevent name collision in phase call below cat_name = "unprojected" else: cat_name = object_name cat_id = self._add_phase_center(cat_name=cat_name, cat_type="unprojected") # get telescope parameters self.set_telescope_params(warn=False) # build time array of centers time_array = np.arange( start_time + int_time / 2.0, end_time + int_time / 2.0 + int_time, int_time ) # convert to time to jd floats float_time_array = Time(time_array, format="unix", scale="utc").jd.astype(float) # build into time array self.time_array = np.repeat(float_time_array, self.Nbls) self.Ntimes = len(time_array) self.Nblts = int(self.Nbls * self.Ntimes) self.phase_center_id_array = np.zeros(self.Nblts, dtype=int) + cat_id # convert times to lst proc = self.set_lsts_from_time_array(background=background_lsts) self.integration_time = np.full((self.Nblts), int_time) # convert antenna positions from enu to ecef # antenna positions are "relative to # the centre of the array in local topocentric \"east\", \"north\", # \"height\". Units are meters." antenna_positions_ecef = uvutils.ECEF_from_ENU( antenna_positions, *self.telescope_location_lat_lon_alt ) # make antenna positions relative to telescope location self.antenna_positions = antenna_positions_ecef - self.telescope_location # make initial antenna arrays, where ant_1 <= ant_2 # itertools.combinations_with_replacement returns # all pairs in the range 0...Nants_telescope # including pairs with the same number (e.g. (0,0) auto-correlation). # this is a little faster than having nested for-loops moving over the # upper triangle of antenna-pair combinations matrix. ant_1_array, ant_2_array = np.transpose( list(itertools.combinations_with_replacement(self.antenna_numbers, 2)) ) self.ant_1_array = np.tile(np.array(ant_1_array), self.Ntimes) self.ant_2_array = np.tile(np.array(ant_2_array), self.Ntimes) self.baseline_array = self.antnums_to_baseline( self.ant_1_array, self.ant_2_array ) # make antenna index arrays ant_1_inds, ant_2_inds = np.transpose( list(itertools.combinations_with_replacement(np.arange(self.Nants_data), 2)) ) ant_1_inds = np.tile(np.array(ant_1_inds), self.Ntimes).astype(np.int_) ant_2_inds = np.tile(np.array(ant_2_inds), self.Ntimes).astype(np.int_) if not mwax: # coarse channel mapping for the legacy correlator: # channels in group 0-128 are assigned to files in order; # channels in group 129-155 are assigned in reverse order # that is, if the lowest channel is 127, it will be assigned to the # first file # channel 128 will be assigned to the second file # then the highest channel will be assigned to the third file # and the next hightest channel assigned to the fourth file, and so on mapped_coarse_chans = np.concatenate( ( coarse_chans[coarse_chans <= 128], np.flip(coarse_chans[coarse_chans > 128]), ) ) ordered_file_nums = np.arange(len(coarse_chans))[ np.argsort(mapped_coarse_chans) ] ordered_file_nums += 1 else: # for mwax, the file numbers are the coarse channel numbers ordered_file_nums = coarse_chans file_mask = np.isin(ordered_file_nums, included_file_nums) # get included file numbers in coarse band order file_nums = ordered_file_nums[file_mask] self.Nfreqs = len(included_file_nums) * num_fine_chans # check that coarse channels are contiguous. spw_inds = np.nonzero(file_mask)[0] if np.any(np.diff(spw_inds) > 1): warnings.warn("coarse channels are not contiguous for this observation") # add spectral windows self._set_flex_spw() self.Nspws = len(spw_inds) self.spw_array = coarse_chans[spw_inds] self.flex_spw_id_array = np.repeat(self.spw_array, num_fine_chans) else: # future proof: always set the fles_spw_id_array self.flex_spw_id_array = np.full(self.Nfreqs, self.spw_array[0], dtype=int) # warn user if not all coarse channels are included if len(included_file_nums) != len(coarse_chans): warnings.warn("some coarse channel files were not submitted") # build frequency array self.freq_array = np.zeros(self.Nfreqs) self.channel_width = np.full(self.Nfreqs, channel_width) # Use the center frequency of the first fine channel of the center coarse # channel to get the frequency range for each included coarse channel. center_coarse_chan = int(len(coarse_chans) / 2) for i in range(len(spw_inds)): first_coarse_freq = ( obs_freq_center + (spw_inds[i] - center_coarse_chan) * coarse_num_fine_chans * channel_width ) last_coarse_freq = first_coarse_freq + num_fine_chans * channel_width self.freq_array[i * num_fine_chans : (i + 1) * num_fine_chans] = np.arange( first_coarse_freq, last_coarse_freq, channel_width ) # for mwax, polarizations are ordered xx, xy, yx, yy if mwax: self.polarization_array = np.array([-5, -7, -8, -6]) # otherwise, polarizations are ordered yy, yx, xy, xx else: self.polarization_array = np.array([-6, -8, -7, -5]) # get index array for AIPS reordering pol_index_array = np.argsort(np.abs(self.polarization_array)) # reorder polarization_array here to avoid memory spike from self.reorder_pols self.polarization_array = self.polarization_array[pol_index_array] if read_data: if not mwax: # build mapper from antenna numbers and polarizations to pfb inputs corr_ants_to_pfb_inputs = {} for i in range(len(antenna_inds)): for p in range(2): corr_ants_to_pfb_inputs[(antenna_inds[i], p)] = 2 * i + p # for mapping, start with a pair of antennas/polarizations # this is the pair we want to find the data for # map the pair to the corresponding coarse pfb input indices # map the coarse pfb input indices to the fine pfb output indices # these are the indices for the data corresponding to the initial # antenna/pol pair # These two 1D arrays will be both C and F contiguous # but we are explicitly declaring C to be consistent with the rest # of the python which interacts with the C/Cython code. # generate a mapping index array map_inds = np.zeros((self.Nbls * self.Npols), dtype=np.int32, order="C") # generate a conjugation array conj = np.full( (self.Nbls * self.Npols), False, dtype=np.bool_, order="C" ) _corr_fits.generate_map(corr_ants_to_pfb_inputs, map_inds, conj) else: map_inds = None conj = None # create arrays for data, nsamples, and flags self.data_array = np.zeros( (self.Nblts, self.Nfreqs, self.Npols), dtype=data_array_dtype ) self.nsample_array = np.zeros( (self.Ntimes, self.Nbls, self.Nfreqs, self.Npols), dtype=nsample_array_dtype, ) self.flag_array = np.full( (self.Ntimes, self.Nbls, len(spw_inds), self.Npols), True ) # read data files for filename in file_dict["data"]: self._read_fits_file( filename, time_array, file_nums, num_fine_chans, int_time, mwax, map_inds, conj, pol_index_array, ) # propagate coarse flags if propagate_coarse_flags: self.flag_array = np.any(self.flag_array, axis=2) self.flag_array = np.repeat( self.flag_array[:, :, np.newaxis, :], self.Nfreqs, axis=2 ) else: self.flag_array = np.repeat(self.flag_array, num_fine_chans, axis=2) if flag_init: self.flag_init( num_fine_chans, edge_width=edge_width, start_flag=start_flag, end_flag=end_flag, flag_dc_offset=flag_dc_offset, ) # flag bad ants bad_ant_inds = np.logical_or( np.isin(ant_1_inds[: self.Nbls], flagged_ant_inds), np.isin(ant_2_inds[: self.Nbls], flagged_ant_inds), ) self.flag_array[:, bad_ant_inds, :, :] = True # reshape arrays self.flag_array = self.flag_array.reshape( (self.Nblts, self.Nfreqs, self.Npols) ) self.nsample_array = self.nsample_array.reshape( (self.Nblts, self.Nfreqs, self.Npols) ) # When MWA data is cast to float for the correlator, the division # by 127 introduces small errors that are mitigated when the data # is cast back into integer. # this needs to happen before the van vleck correction if not mwax: self.data_array /= self.extra_keywords["SCALEFAC"] np.rint(self.data_array, out=self.data_array) # van vleck correction if correct_van_vleck: self.van_vleck_correction( ant_1_inds, ant_2_inds, flagged_ant_inds, cheby_approx=cheby_approx, data_array_dtype=data_array_dtype, ) # apply corrections if np.any([correct_van_vleck, remove_coarse_band, remove_dig_gains]): flagged_ant_inds = self._apply_corrections( mwax, ant_1_inds, ant_2_inds, avg_factor, dig_gains, spw_inds, num_fine_chans, flagged_ant_inds, cheby_approx=cheby_approx, data_array_dtype=data_array_dtype, flag_small_auto_ants=flag_small_auto_ants, correct_van_vleck=correct_van_vleck, remove_coarse_band=remove_coarse_band, remove_dig_gains=remove_dig_gains, ) # rescale data # this needs to happen after the van vleck correction if not mwax: self.data_array *= self.extra_keywords["SCALEFAC"] # cable delay corrections if correct_cable_len is None: correct_cable_len = True warnings.warn( "cable length correction is now defaulted to True rather than " "False. To read in files without applying the correction set " "correct_cable_len=False. This warning will be removed in v2.4" ) if correct_cable_len: self.correct_cable_length(cable_lens, ant_1_inds, ant_2_inds) # add aoflagger flags to flag_array if use_aoflagger_flags: # throw an error if matching files not submitted if included_file_nums != included_flag_nums: raise ValueError( "flag file coarse bands do not match data file coarse bands" ) warnings.warn( "coarse channel, start time, and end time flagging will default " "to the more aggressive of flag_init and AOFlagger" ) for filename in file_dict["flags"]: self._read_flag_file(filename, file_nums, num_fine_chans) # to account for discrepancies between file conventions, in order # to be consistent with the uvw vector direction, all the data must # be conjugated np.conj(self.data_array, out=self.data_array) # wait for LSTs if set in background if proc is not None: proc.join() self._set_app_coords_helper() # create self.uvw_array self.set_uvws_from_antenna_positions(allow_phasing=False) # remove bad antennas # select must be called after lst thread is re-joined if remove_flagged_ants: good_ants = np.delete(np.array(self.antenna_numbers), flagged_ant_inds), run_check=False) # phasing if phase_to_pointing_center: self.phase( lon=ra_rad, lat=dec_rad, epoch="J2000", phase_frame="fk5", cat_name=object_name, ) # switch to current_array_shape if not use_future_array_shapes: warnings.warn(_future_array_shapes_warning, DeprecationWarning) with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.filterwarnings( "ignore", message="This method will be removed in version 3.0 when the " "current array shapes are no longer supported.", ) self.use_current_array_shapes() # check if object is self-consistent # uvws are calcuated using pyuvdata, so turn off the check for speed. if run_check: self.check( check_extra=check_extra, run_check_acceptability=run_check_acceptability, strict_uvw_antpos_check=strict_uvw_antpos_check, allow_flip_conj=True, check_autos=check_autos, fix_autos=fix_autos, )