
UVBeam objects hold all of the metadata and data required to work with primary beam models for radio telescopes. UVBeam supports both E-field and power beams (labeled by the beam_type attribute) in a few different coordinate and gridding systems (e.g. regular azimuth/zenith angle grids, zenith-based HEALPix grids, labeled by the pixel_coordinate_system attribute).

For E-field beams, UVBeam supports specifying the E-field components in two or three directions which may not align with the pixel coordinate system (or even be orthogonal). The mapping between the E-field component vectors and unit vectors aligned with the pixel coordinate system is defined per pixel in the basis_vector_array. That array has an axis of length Naxes_vec which is the number of E-field components used to specify the antenna response in each pixel, and an axis of length Ncomponents_vec which is the number of orthogonal unit vectors aligned with the pixel coordinate system (in addition to the pixel coordinate system axis or axes). Some examples of these parameters for common beam pixel and E-field coordinate systems include:

  • pixels in regularly gridded azimuth and zenith angle, E-field in components aligned with azimuth and zenith angle in each pixel

    • Naxis_vec = 2

    • Ncomponents_vec = 2

    • basis_vector_array only contains 1 and 0 values, with 1 on the diagonal for each pixel.

      • basis_vector_array[0, 0, :, :] = 1

      • basis_vector_array[0, 1, :, :] = 0

      • basis_vector_array[1, 0, :, :] = 0

      • basis_vector_array[1, 1, :, :] = 1

  • pixels in regularly gridded azimuth and zenith angle, Efield in (x,y,z) components.

    • Naxis_vec = 3

    • Ncomponents_vec = 2

    • basis_vector_array contains the mapping from (x, y, z) to (azimuth, zenith_angle) for the E-field (which is always orthogonal to the radial vector pointing to the pixel). The details of this mapping depend on the choice of how the (x, y, z) axes are labeled. UVBeam uses azimuth running from East to North. If +x points to East, +y points to North and +z points to the zenith:

      • basis_vector_array[0, 0, az, za] = -sin(az)

      • basis_vector_array[0, 1, az, za] = cos(az)

      • basis_vector_array[0, 2, az, za] = 0

      • basis_vector_array[1, 0, az, za] = cos(za)cos(az)

      • basis_vector_array[1, 1, az, za] = cos(za)sin(az)

      • basis_vector_array[1, 2, az, za] = -sin(za)

  • pixels in an azimuth and zenith angle Healpix map (with zenith at the north pole) with E-field in components aligned with azimuth and zenith angle in each pixel.

    • Naxis_vec = 2

    • Ncomponents_vec = 2

    • basis_vector_array only contains 1 and 0 values, with 1 on the diagonal for each pixel.

      • basis_vector_array[0, 0, :] = 1

      • basis_vector_array[0, 1, :] = 0

      • basis_vector_array[1, 0, :] = 0

      • basis_vector_array[1, 1, :] = 1

UVBeam: parameter shape changes

As detailed in UVData: parameter shape changes, UVData objects now support flexible spectral windows and will have several parameter shapes change in version 3.0. UVData objects also have a method to convert to the planned future array shapes now to support an orderly conversion of code and packages that use UVData objects to the future shapes.

UVBeam objects will also see parameter shape changes in version 3.0, but will not add support for flexible spectral windows as there does not currently seem to be a need for spectral window support currently in UVBeam.

In version 3.0, several parameters will change shape. The length 1 axis that was originally intended for the spectral windows axis will be removed from the data_array , freq_array, bandpass_array, receiver_temperature_array, loss_array, mismatch_array, s_parameters and coupling_matrix. In addition, the spw_array and Nspws parameters will become optional.

In order to support an orderly conversion of code and packages that use the UVBeam object to these new parameter shapes, we have created the pyuvdata.UVBeam.use_future_array_shapes() method which will change the parameters listed above to have their future shapes. We have also added use_future_array_shapes parameters to the pyuvdata.UVBeam.read() and pyuvdata.UVBeam.from_file() methods (as well as the underlying pyuvdata.UVBeam.read_beamfits(), pyuvdata.UVBeam.read_cst_beam(), pyuvdata.UVBeam.read_mwa_beam() methods), which can be set to True to yield an object with the future shapes. Users writing new code that uses UVBeam objects are encouraged to call the use_future_array_shapes method immediately after creating a UVBeam object or use the corresponding parameter when reading in data from a file to ensure that the code will be compatible with the forthcoming changes. Developers and maintainers of existing code that uses UVBeam objects are encouraged to similarly update their code to use the new shapes at their earliest convenience to ensure future compatibility. The method and parameters will be deprecated but not removed in version 3.0 (it will just become a no-op) so that code that calls it will continue to function.

UVBeam: Reading/writing

Reading and writing beam files using UVBeam.

The text files saved out of CST beam simulations do not have much of the critical metadata needed for UVBeam objects. When reading in CST files, you can either provide the required metadata using keywords to the pyuvdata.UVBeam.read() method and pass the raw CST files, or you can pass a settings yaml file which lists the raw files and provides the required metadata to the pyuvdata.UVBeam.read() method. Both options are shown in the examples below. More details on creating a new yaml settings files can be found in CST Settings Files.

UVBeam (like UVData) has a generic pyuvdata.UVBeam.read() method and a pyuvdata.UVBeam.from_file() class method in addition to the file-type specific methods.

a) Reading a CST power beam file

>>> import os
>>> from pyuvdata import UVBeam
>>> from pyuvdata.data import DATA_PATH
>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt 
>>> beam = UVBeam()

# you can pass several filenames and the objects from each file will be
# combined across the appropriate axis -- in this case frequency
>>> filenames = [os.path.join(DATA_PATH, f) for f
...              in ['NicCSTbeams/HERA_NicCST_150MHz.txt',
...                  'NicCSTbeams/HERA_NicCST_123MHz.txt']]

# You have to specify the telescope_name, feed_name, feed_version, model_name
# and model_version because they are not included in the raw CST files.
# You should also specify the polarization that the file represents and you can
# set rotate_pol to generate the other polarization by rotating by 90 degrees.
# The feed_pol defaults to 'x' and rotate_pol defaults to True.
>>> beam.read(
...   filenames, beam_type='power', frequency=[150e6, 123e6],
...   feed_pol='x', rotate_pol=True, telescope_name='HERA',
...   feed_name='PAPER_dipole', feed_version='0.1',
...   model_name='E-field pattern - Rigging height 4.9m',
...   model_version='1.0'
... )
>>> print(beam.beam_type)
>>> print(beam.pixel_coordinate_system)
>>> print(beam.data_normalization)

>>> # You can also use a yaml settings file.
>>> # Note that using a yaml file requires that pyyaml is installed.
>>> settings_file = os.path.join(DATA_PATH, 'NicCSTbeams/NicCSTbeams.yaml')
>>> beam.read(settings_file, beam_type='power')
>>> print(beam.beam_type)
>>> print(beam.pixel_coordinate_system)
>>> print(beam.data_normalization)

>>> # number of beam polarizations and polarization type.
>>> print((beam.Npols, beam.polarization_array))
(2, array([-5, -6]))
>>> print(beam.Nfreqs)
>>> print(beam.data_array.shape)
(1, 1, 2, 2, 181, 360)

>>> # plot zenith angle cut through beam
>>> plt.plot(beam.axis2_array, beam.data_array[0, 0, 0, 0, :, 0]) 
>>> plt.xscale('log') 
>>> plt.xlabel('Zenith Angle (radians)') 
>>> plt.ylabel('Power') 
>>> plt.show() 

b) Reading a CST E-field beam file

>>> import os
>>> from pyuvdata import UVBeam
>>> from pyuvdata.data import DATA_PATH
>>> import numpy as np
>>> beam = UVBeam()

>>> # the same interface as for power beams, just specify beam_type = 'efield'
>>> settings_file = os.path.join(DATA_PATH, 'NicCSTbeams/NicCSTbeams.yaml')
>>> beam.read(settings_file, beam_type='efield')
>>> print(beam.beam_type)

>>> # UVBeam also has a `from_file` class method we can call directly.
>>> beam3 = UVBeam.from_file(settings_file, beam_type="efield")
>>> beam == beam3

c) Reading in the MWA full embedded element beam

>>> # To get all the frequencies available for the MWA full embedded element beam
>>> # you need to download the output simulation file via
>>> # `wget http://cerberus.mwa128t.org/mwa_full_embedded_element_pattern.h5`
>>> # For this tutorial we use the file saved in the test data which only
>>> # contains a few frequencies.
>>> # The `read_mwa_beam` method takes delay and amplitude arrays to generate beams
>>> # pointed any where or with varying gains per dipole. Set a delay to 32
>>> # to get a beam where that dipole is turned off (or set the amplitude to zero).
>>> # The native format of the beam is spherical harmonic modes, so there is also
>>> # an option `pixels_per_deg` to set the output beam resolution
>>> # (default is 5 pixels per degree).

>>> import os
>>> import numpy as np
>>> from pyuvdata import UVBeam
>>> from pyuvdata.data import DATA_PATH
>>> beam = UVBeam()

>>> mwa_beam_file = os.path.join(DATA_PATH, 'mwa_full_EE_test.h5')
>>> beam.read(mwa_beam_file)
>>> print(beam.beam_type)

>>> delays = np.zeros((2, 16), dtype='int')
>>> delays[:, 0] = 32
>>> beam.read(mwa_beam_file, pixels_per_deg=1, delays=delays)

d) Writing a regularly gridded beam FITS file

When reading a beam FITS file, you also have the option of selecting frequencies and az/za values at the read step – i.e. so that memory is never allocated for data outside these ranges. Use the freq_range, za_range and az_range parameters to achieve this. The freq_range parameter will be effective for both HEALpix beamfits files and az/za grid.

>>> import os
>>> from pyuvdata import UVBeam
>>> from pyuvdata.data import DATA_PATH
>>> beam = UVBeam()
>>> settings_file = os.path.join(DATA_PATH, 'NicCSTbeams/NicCSTbeams.yaml')
>>> beam.read(settings_file, beam_type='power', freq_range=(1e8, 1.5e8), za_range=(0, 90.0))
>>> write_file = os.path.join('.', 'tutorial.fits')
>>> beam.write_beamfits(write_file, clobber=True)

e) Writing a HEALPix beam FITS file

>>> import os
>>> import numpy as np
>>> from pyuvdata import UVBeam
>>> from pyuvdata.data import DATA_PATH
>>> beam = UVBeam()
>>> settings_file = os.path.join(DATA_PATH, 'NicCSTbeams/NicCSTbeams.yaml')
>>> beam.read(settings_file, beam_type='power')

>>> # have to specify which interpolation function to use
>>> beam.interpolation_function = 'az_za_simple'

>>> # note that the `to_healpix` method requires astropy_healpix to be installed
>>> # this beam file is very large. Let's cut down the size to ease the computation
>>> # More on the `select` method is covered in the following section
>>> za_max = np.deg2rad(10.0)
>>> za_inds_use = np.nonzero(beam.axis2_array <= za_max)[0]
>>> beam.select(axis2_inds=za_inds_use)

>>> beam.to_healpix()
>>> write_file = os.path.join('.', 'tutorial.fits')
>>> beam.write_beamfits(write_file, clobber=True)

UVBeam: Selecting data

The pyuvdata.UVBeam.select() method lets you select specific image axis indices (or pixels if pixel_coordinate_system is HEALPix), frequencies and feeds (or polarizations if beam_type is power) to keep in the object while removing others.

a) Selecting a range of Zenith Angles

>>> import os
>>> import numpy as np
>>> from pyuvdata import UVBeam
>>> from pyuvdata.data import DATA_PATH
>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt 
>>> beam = UVBeam()
>>> settings_file = os.path.join(DATA_PATH, 'NicCSTbeams/NicCSTbeams.yaml')
>>> beam.read(settings_file, beam_type='power')
>>> new_beam = beam.select(axis2_inds=np.arange(0, 20), inplace=False)

>>> # plot zenith angle cut through beams
>>> plt.plot(beam.axis2_array, beam.data_array[0, 0, 0, 0, :, 0], 
...         new_beam.axis2_array, new_beam.data_array[0, 0, 0, 0, :, 0], 'r')
>>> plt.xscale('log') 
>>> plt.xlabel('Zenith Angle (radians)') 
>>> plt.ylabel('Power') 
>>> plt.show() 

a) Selecting Feeds or Polarizations

Selecting feeds on E-field beams can be done using the feed name (e.g. “x” or “y”). If x_orientation is set on the object, strings represting the physical orientation of the feed can also be used (e.g. “n” or “e).

Selecting polarizations on power beams can be done either using the polarization numbers or the polarization strings (e.g. “xx” or “yy” for linear polarizations or “rr” or “ll” for circular polarizations). If x_orientation is set on the object, strings represting the physical orientation of the dipole can also be used (e.g. “nn” or “ee).

>>> import os
>>> import numpy as np
>>> from pyuvdata import UVBeam
>>> from pyuvdata.data import DATA_PATH
>>> import pyuvdata.utils as uvutils
>>> uvb = UVBeam()
>>> settings_file = os.path.join(DATA_PATH, 'NicCSTbeams/NicCSTbeams.yaml')
>>> uvb.read(settings_file, beam_type='efield')

>>> # The feeds names can be found in the feed_array
>>> print(uvb.feed_array)
['x' 'y']

>>> # make a copy and select a feed
>>> uvb2 = uvb.copy()
>>> uvb2.select(feeds=["y"])
>>> print(uvb2.feed_array)

>>> # check the x_orientation
>>> print(uvb.x_orientation)

>>> # make a copy and select a feed by phyiscal orientation
>>> uvb2 = uvb.copy()
>>> uvb2.select(feeds=["n"])
>>> print(uvb2.feed_array)

>>> # convert to a power beam for selecting on polarizations
>>> uvb.efield_to_power()
>>> # polarization numbers can be found in the polarization_array
>>> print(uvb.polarization_array)
[-5 -6 -7 -8]

>>> # polarization numbers can be converted to strings using a utility function
>>> print(uvutils.polnum2str(uvb.polarization_array))
['xx', 'yy', 'xy', 'yx']

>>> # select polarizations using the polarization numbers
>>> uvb.select(polarizations=[-5, -6, -7])

>>> # print polarization numbers and strings after select
>>> print(uvb.polarization_array)
[-5 -6 -7]
>>> print(uvutils.polnum2str(uvb.polarization_array))
['xx', 'yy', 'xy']

>>> # select polarizations using the polarization strings
>>> uvb.select(polarizations=["xx", "yy"])

>>> # print polarization numbers and strings after select
>>> print(uvb.polarization_array)
[-5 -6]
>>> print(uvutils.polnum2str(uvb.polarization_array))
['xx', 'yy']

>>> # print x_orientation
>>> print(uvb.x_orientation)

>>> # select polarizations using the physical orientation strings
>>> uvb.select(polarizations=["ee"])

>>> # print polarization numbers and strings after select
>>> print(uvb.polarization_array)
>>> print(uvutils.polnum2str(uvb.polarization_array))

UVBeam: Interpolating to HEALPix

Note that interpolating from one gridding format to another incurs interpolation errors. If the beam is going to be interpolated (e.g. to source locations) in downstream code we urge the user use the beam in the original format to avoid incurring extra interpolation errors.

>>> import os
>>> import numpy as np
>>> from astropy_healpix import HEALPix
>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt 
>>> from matplotlib.colors import LogNorm 
>>> from pyuvdata import UVBeam
>>> from pyuvdata.data import DATA_PATH
>>> beam = UVBeam()
>>> settings_file = os.path.join(DATA_PATH, 'NicCSTbeams/NicCSTbeams.yaml')
>>> beam.read(settings_file, beam_type='power')

>>> # have to specify which interpolation function to use
>>> beam.interpolation_function = 'az_za_simple'

>>> # this beam file is very large. Let's cut down the size to ease the computation
>>> za_max = np.deg2rad(10.0)
>>> za_inds_use = np.nonzero(beam.axis2_array <= za_max)[0]
>>> beam.select(axis2_inds=za_inds_use)

>>> hpx_beam = beam.to_healpix(inplace=False)
>>> hpx_obj = HEALPix(nside=hpx_beam.nside, order=hpx_beam.ordering)
>>> lon, lat = hpx_obj.healpix_to_lonlat(hpx_beam.pixel_array)
>>> plt.scatter(lon, lat, c=hpx_beam.data_array[0,0,0,0,:], norm=LogNorm()) 

UVBeam: Converting from E-Field beams to Power Beams

a) Convert a regularly gridded efield beam to a power beam (leaving original intact).

>>> import os
>>> import numpy as np
>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt 
>>> from pyuvdata import UVBeam
>>> from pyuvdata.data import DATA_PATH
>>> beam = UVBeam()
>>> settings_file = os.path.join(DATA_PATH, 'NicCSTbeams/NicCSTbeams.yaml')
>>> beam.read(settings_file, beam_type='efield')
>>> new_beam = beam.efield_to_power(inplace=False)

>>> # plot zenith angle cut through the beams
>>> plt.plot(beam.axis2_array, beam.data_array[1, 0, 0, 0, :, 0].real, label='E-field real') 
>>> plt.plot(beam.axis2_array, beam.data_array[1, 0, 0, 0, :, 0].imag, 'r', label='E-field imaginary') 
>>> plt.plot(new_beam.axis2_array, np.sqrt(new_beam.data_array[0, 0, 0, 0, :, 0]), 'black', label='sqrt Power') 
>>> plt.xlabel('Zenith Angle (radians)') 
>>> plt.ylabel('Magnitude') 
>>> plt.legend() 
>>> plt.show() 

b) Generating pseudo Stokes (‘pI’, ‘pQ’, ‘pU’, ‘pV’) beams

>>> import os
>>> import numpy as np
>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt 
>>> from matplotlib.colors import LogNorm 
>>> from pyuvdata import UVBeam
>>> from pyuvdata.data import DATA_PATH
>>> from pyuvdata import utils as uvutils
>>> beam = UVBeam()
>>> settings_file = os.path.join(DATA_PATH, 'NicCSTbeams/NicCSTbeams.yaml')
>>> beam.read(settings_file, beam_type='efield')
>>> beam.interpolation_function = 'az_za_simple'

>>> # this beam file is very large. Let's cut down the size to ease the computation
>>> za_max = np.deg2rad(10.0)
>>> za_inds_use = np.nonzero(beam.axis2_array <= za_max)[0]
>>> beam.select(axis2_inds=za_inds_use)

>>> pstokes_beam = beam.efield_to_pstokes(inplace=False)

>>> # plotting pseudo-stokes I
>>> pol_array = pstokes_beam.polarization_array
>>> pstokes = uvutils.polstr2num('pI')
>>> pstokes_ind = np.where(np.isin(pol_array, pstokes))[0][0]
>>> azimuth, za = np.meshgrid(pstokes_beam.axis1_array, pstokes_beam.axis2_array)
>>> plt.scatter(azimuth, 1-za, c=np.abs(pstokes_beam.data_array[0, 0, pstokes_ind, 0, :]), norm=LogNorm()) 

UVBeam: Calculating beam areas

Calculations of the beam area and beam squared area are frequently required inputs for Epoch of Reionization power spectrum calculations. These areas can be calculated for either instrumental or pseudo Stokes beams using the pyuvdata.UVBeam.get_beam_area() and pyuvdata.UVBeam.get_beam_sq_area() methods. Currently these methods do require that the beams are in Healpix coordinates in order to take advantage of equal pixel areas. They can be interpolated to HEALPix using the pyuvdata.UVBeam.to_healpix() method.

a) Calculating pseudo Stokes (‘pI’, ‘pQ’, ‘pU’, ‘pV’) beam area and beam squared area

>>> import os
>>> import numpy as np
>>> from pyuvdata import UVBeam
>>> from pyuvdata.data import DATA_PATH
>>> beam = UVBeam()
>>> settings_file = os.path.join(DATA_PATH, 'NicCSTbeams/NicCSTbeams.yaml')
>>> beam.read(settings_file, beam_type='efield')
>>> beam.interpolation_function = 'az_za_simple'

>>> # note that the `to_healpix` method requires astropy_healpix to be installed
>>> # this beam file is very large. Let's cut down the size to ease the computation
>>> za_max = np.deg2rad(10.0)
>>> za_inds_use = np.nonzero(beam.axis2_array <= za_max)[0]
>>> beam.select(axis2_inds=za_inds_use)

>>> pstokes_beam = beam.to_healpix(inplace=False)
>>> pstokes_beam.efield_to_pstokes()
>>> pstokes_beam.peak_normalize()

>>> # calculating beam area
>>> freqs = pstokes_beam.freq_array
>>> pI_area = pstokes_beam.get_beam_area('pI')
>>> pQ_area = pstokes_beam.get_beam_area('pQ')
>>> pU_area = pstokes_beam.get_beam_area('pU')
>>> pV_area = pstokes_beam.get_beam_area('pV')
>>> pI_area1, pI_area2 = round(pI_area[0].real, 5), round(pI_area[1].real, 5)
>>> pQ_area1, pQ_area2 = round(pQ_area[0].real, 5), round(pQ_area[1].real, 5)
>>> pU_area1, pU_area2 = round(pU_area[0].real, 5), round(pU_area[1].real, 5)
>>> pV_area1, pV_area2 = round(pV_area[0].real, 5), round(pV_area[1].real, 5)

>>> print (f'Beam area at {freqs[0][0]*1e-6} MHz for pseudo-stokes\nI: {pI_area1}\nQ: {pQ_area1}\nU: {pU_area1}\nV: {pV_area1}')
Beam area at 123.0 MHz for pseudo-stokes
I: 0.04674
Q: 0.02904
U: 0.02879
V: 0.0464

>>> print (f'Beam area at {freqs[0][1]*1e-6} MHz for pseudo-stokes\nI: {pI_area2}\nQ: {pQ_area2}\nU: {pU_area2}\nV: {pV_area2}')
Beam area at 150.0 MHz for pseudo-stokes
I: 0.03237
Q: 0.01995
U: 0.01956
V: 0.03186

>>> # calculating beam squared area
>>> freqs = pstokes_beam.freq_array
>>> pI_sq_area = pstokes_beam.get_beam_sq_area('pI')
>>> pQ_sq_area = pstokes_beam.get_beam_sq_area('pQ')
>>> pU_sq_area = pstokes_beam.get_beam_sq_area('pU')
>>> pV_sq_area = pstokes_beam.get_beam_sq_area('pV')
>>> pI_sq_area1, pI_sq_area2 = round(pI_sq_area[0].real, 5), round(pI_sq_area[1].real, 5)
>>> pQ_sq_area1, pQ_sq_area2 = round(pQ_sq_area[0].real, 5), round(pQ_sq_area[1].real, 5)
>>> pU_sq_area1, pU_sq_area2 = round(pU_sq_area[0].real, 5), round(pU_sq_area[1].real, 5)
>>> pV_sq_area1, pV_sq_area2 = round(pV_sq_area[0].real, 5), round(pV_sq_area[1].real, 5)

>>> print (f'Beam squared area at {freqs[0][0]*1e-6} MHz for pseudo-stokes\nI: {pI_sq_area1}\nQ: {pQ_sq_area1}\nU: {pU_sq_area1}\nV: {pV_sq_area1}')
Beam squared area at 123.0 MHz for pseudo-stokes
I: 0.02474
Q: 0.01186
U: 0.01179
V: 0.0246

>>> print (f'Beam squared area at {freqs[0][1]*1e-6} MHz for pseudo-stokes\nI: {pI_sq_area2}\nQ: {pQ_sq_area2}\nU: {pU_sq_area2}\nV: {pV_sq_area2}')
Beam squared area at 150.0 MHz for pseudo-stokes
I: 0.01696
Q: 0.00798
U: 0.00792
V: 0.01686