Source code for pyuvdata.uvbase

# -*- mode: python; coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c) 2018 Radio Astronomy Software Group
# Licensed under the 2-clause BSD License

Base class for objects with UVParameter attributes.

Subclassed by UVData and Telescope.
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function

import numpy as np
import warnings

from . import parameter as uvp
from . import version as uvversion

def _warning(msg, *a, **kwargs):
    """Improve the printing of user warnings."""
    return str(msg) + '\n'

[docs]class UVBase(object): """ Base class for objects with UVParameter attributes. This class is intended to be subclassed and its init method should be called in the subclass init after all associated UVParameter attributes are defined. The init method of this base class creates properties (named using from all the UVParameter attributes on the subclass. AngleParameter and LocationParameter attributes also have extra convenience properties defined:\n AngleParameter:\n'_degrees'\n LocationParameter:\n'_lat_lon_alt'\n'_lat_lon_alt_degrees' """ def __init__(self): """Create properties from UVParameter attributes.""" warnings.formatwarning = _warning # set any UVParameter attributes to be properties for p in self: this_param = getattr(self, p) attr_name = setattr(self.__class__, attr_name, property(self.prop_fget(p), self.prop_fset(p))) if isinstance(this_param, uvp.AngleParameter): setattr(self.__class__, attr_name + '_degrees', property(self.degree_prop_fget(p), self.degree_prop_fset(p))) elif isinstance(this_param, uvp.LocationParameter): setattr(self.__class__, attr_name + '_lat_lon_alt', property(self.lat_lon_alt_prop_fget(p), self.lat_lon_alt_prop_fset(p))) setattr(self.__class__, attr_name + '_lat_lon_alt_degrees', property(self.lat_lon_alt_degrees_prop_fget(p), self.lat_lon_alt_degrees_prop_fset(p))) # String to add to history of any files written with this version of pyuvdata self.pyuvdata_version_str = (' Read/written with pyuvdata version: ' + uvversion.version + '.') if uvversion.git_hash != '': self.pyuvdata_version_str += (' Git origin: ' + uvversion.git_origin + '. Git hash: ' + uvversion.git_hash + '. Git branch: ' + uvversion.git_branch + '. Git description: ' + uvversion.git_description + '.')
[docs] def prop_fget(self, param_name): """Getter method for UVParameter properties.""" def fget(self): this_param = getattr(self, param_name) return this_param.value return fget
[docs] def prop_fset(self, param_name): """Setter method for UVParameter properties.""" def fset(self, value): this_param = getattr(self, param_name) this_param.value = value setattr(self, param_name, this_param) return fset
[docs] def degree_prop_fget(self, param_name): """Degree getter method for AngleParameter properties.""" def fget(self): this_param = getattr(self, param_name) return this_param.degrees() return fget
[docs] def degree_prop_fset(self, param_name): """Degree setter method for AngleParameter properties.""" def fset(self, value): this_param = getattr(self, param_name) this_param.set_degrees(value) setattr(self, param_name, this_param) return fset
[docs] def lat_lon_alt_prop_fget(self, param_name): """Lat/lon/alt getter method for LocationParameter properties.""" def fget(self): this_param = getattr(self, param_name) return this_param.lat_lon_alt() return fget
[docs] def lat_lon_alt_prop_fset(self, param_name): """Lat/lon/alt setter method for LocationParameter properties.""" def fset(self, value): this_param = getattr(self, param_name) this_param.set_lat_lon_alt(value) setattr(self, param_name, this_param) return fset
[docs] def lat_lon_alt_degrees_prop_fget(self, param_name): """Lat/lon/alt degree getter method for LocationParameter properties.""" def fget(self): this_param = getattr(self, param_name) return this_param.lat_lon_alt_degrees() return fget
[docs] def lat_lon_alt_degrees_prop_fset(self, param_name): """Lat/lon/alt degree setter method for LocationParameter properties.""" def fset(self, value): this_param = getattr(self, param_name) this_param.set_lat_lon_alt_degrees(value) setattr(self, param_name, this_param) return fset
def __iter__(self): """Iterator for all UVParameter attributes.""" attribute_list = [a for a in dir(self) if not a.startswith('__') and not callable(getattr(self, a))] param_list = [] for a in attribute_list: attr = getattr(self, a) if isinstance(attr, uvp.UVParameter): param_list.append(a) for a in param_list: yield a
[docs] def required(self): """Iterator for all required UVParameter attributes.""" attribute_list = [a for a in dir(self) if not a.startswith('__') and not callable(getattr(self, a))] required_list = [] for a in attribute_list: attr = getattr(self, a) if isinstance(attr, uvp.UVParameter): if attr.required: required_list.append(a) for a in required_list: yield a
[docs] def extra(self): """Iterator for all non-required UVParameter attributes.""" attribute_list = [a for a in dir(self) if not a.startswith('__') and not callable(getattr(self, a))] extra_list = [] for a in attribute_list: attr = getattr(self, a) if isinstance(attr, uvp.UVParameter): if not attr.required: extra_list.append(a) for a in extra_list: yield a
def __eq__(self, other, check_extra=True): """ Equal if classes match and parameters are equal. If check_extra is True, include all parameters, otherwise only include required parameters. """ if isinstance(other, self.__class__): # only check that required parameters are identical self_required = [] other_required = [] for p in self.required(): self_required.append(p) for p in other.required(): other_required.append(p) if set(self_required) != set(other_required): print('Sets of required parameters do not match. Left is {lset},' ' right is {rset}'.format(lset=self_required, rset=other_required)) return False if check_extra: self_extra = [] other_extra = [] for p in self.extra(): self_extra.append(p) for p in other.extra(): other_extra.append(p) if set(self_extra) != set(other_extra): print('Sets of extra parameters do not match. Left is {lset},' ' right is {rset}'.format(lset=self_extra, rset=other_extra)) return False p_check = self_required + self_extra else: p_check = self_required p_equal = True for p in p_check: self_param = getattr(self, p) other_param = getattr(other, p) if self_param != other_param: print('parameter {} does not match. Left is {},' ' right is {}'.format(p, self_param.value, other_param.value)) p_equal = False return p_equal else: print('Classes do not match') return False def __ne__(self, other): """Not equal.""" return not self.__eq__(other)
[docs] def check(self, check_extra=True, run_check_acceptability=True, ignore_requirements=False): """ Check that required parameters exist and have the correct shapes. Optionally, check that the values are acceptable. Args: check_extra: If true, check shapes and values on all parameters, otherwise only check required parameters. run_check_acceptability: Option to check if values in parameters are acceptable. Default is True. ignore_requirements: Do not error if a required parameter isn't set. Default is False. This allows the user to run the shape/acceptability checks on parameters in a partially-defined UVData object. """ if check_extra: p_check = [p for p in self.required()] + [p for p in self.extra()] else: p_check = [p for p in self.required()] for p in p_check: param = getattr(self, p) # Check required parameter exists if param.value is None: if ignore_requirements: continue if param.required is True: raise ValueError('Required UVParameter ' + p + ' has not been set.') else: # Check parameter shape eshape = param.expected_shape(self) # default value of eshape is () if eshape == 'str' or (eshape == () and param.expected_type == 'str'): # Check that it's a string if not isinstance(param.value, str): raise ValueError('UVParameter ' + p + ' expected to be ' 'string, but is not') else: # Check the shape of the parameter value. Note that np.shape # returns an empty tuple for single numbers. eshape should do the same. if not np.shape(param.value) == eshape: raise ValueError('UVParameter {param} is not expected shape. ' 'Parameter shape is {pshape}, expected shape is ' '{eshape}.'.format(param=p, pshape=np.shape(param.value), eshape=eshape)) if eshape == (): # Single element if not isinstance(param.value, param.expected_type): raise ValueError('UVParameter ' + p + ' is not the appropriate' ' type. Is: ' + str(type(param.value)) + '. Should be: ' + str(param.expected_type)) else: if isinstance(param.value, (list, tuple)): # List & tuples needs to be handled differently than array # list values may be different types, so they all need to be checked param_value_list = list(param.value) for item in param_value_list: if not isinstance(item, param.expected_type): raise ValueError('UVParameter ' + p + ' is not the' ' appropriate type. Is: ' + str(type(item)) + '. Should' ' be: ' + str(param.expected_type)) else: # Array if not isinstance(param.value.item(0), param.expected_type): raise ValueError('UVParameter ' + p + ' is not the appropriate' ' type. Is: ' + str(param.value.dtype) + '. Should be: ' + str(param.expected_type)) if run_check_acceptability: accept, message = param.check_acceptability() if not accept: raise ValueError('UVParameter ' + p + ' has unacceptable values. ' + message) return True