Source code for pyuvdata.uvcal.calfits

# -*- mode: python; coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c) 2018 Radio Astronomy Software Group
# Licensed under the 2-clause BSD License
"""Class for reading and writing calibration FITS files."""
import os
import warnings

import numpy as np
from import fits
from docstring_parser import DocstringStyle

from .. import utils as uvutils
from ..docstrings import copy_replace_short_description
from .uvcal import UVCal, _future_array_shapes_warning

__all__ = ["CALFITS"]

[docs]class CALFITS(UVCal): """ Defines a calfits-specific class for reading and writing calfits files. This class should not be interacted with directly, instead use the read_calfits and write_calfits methods on the UVCal class. """
[docs] def write_calfits( self, filename, run_check=True, check_extra=True, run_check_acceptability=True, clobber=False, ): """ Write the data to a calfits file. Parameters ---------- filename : str The calfits file to write to. run_check : bool Option to check for the existence and proper shapes of parameters before writing the file. check_extra : bool Option to check optional parameters as well as required ones. run_check_acceptability : bool Option to check acceptable range of the values of parameters before writing the file. clobber : bool Option to overwrite the filename if the file already exists. """ if self.Nspws > 1: raise ValueError( "The calfits format does not support multiple spectral windows" ) if run_check: self.check( check_extra=check_extra, run_check_acceptability=run_check_acceptability ) # calfits allows for frequency spacing to not equal channel widths as long as # the frequencies are evenly spaced, so only raise spacing error spacing_error, chanwidth_error = self._check_freq_spacing(raise_errors=False) if spacing_error: raise ValueError( "Frequencies are not evenly spaced or have differing " "values of channel widths. The calfits format does not support " "unevenly spaced frequencies or varying channel widths." ) # we've already run the check_freq_spacing, so spacings and channel widths are # the same to our tolerances if self.freq_array is not None: if self.future_array_shapes: ref_freq = self.freq_array[0] else: ref_freq = self.freq_array[0, 0] else: # can only get here if future_shapes is True ref_freq = self.freq_range[0, 0] if self.Nfreqs > 1: if chanwidth_error: # this means that the frequencies are evenly spaced but do not # match our channel widths. Use some rounding to get a good delta. if self.future_array_shapes: freq_arr_use = self.freq_array else: freq_arr_use = self.freq_array[0, :] rounded_spacing = np.around( np.diff(freq_arr_use), int(np.ceil(np.log10(self._freq_array.tols[1]) * -1)), ) delta_freq_array = rounded_spacing[0] else: if self.future_array_shapes or self.flex_spw: delta_freq_array = np.median(self.channel_width) else: delta_freq_array = self.channel_width else: if self.channel_width is not None: if self.future_array_shapes or self.flex_spw: delta_freq_array = self.channel_width[0] else: delta_freq_array = self.channel_width else: # default to 1 Hz for wide-band cals with Nfreqs=1 and no channel # width info delta_freq_array = 1.0 if self.Ntimes > 1: if not uvutils._test_array_constant_spacing(self._time_array): raise ValueError( "The times are not evenly spaced (probably " "because of a select operation). The calfits format " "does not support unevenly spaced times." ) time_spacing = np.diff(self.time_array) if self.future_array_shapes: if not uvutils._test_array_constant(self._integration_time): raise ValueError( "The integration times are variable. The calfits format " "does not support variable integration times." ) median_int_time = np.median(self.integration_time) if np.isclose(time_spacing[0], median_int_time / (24.0 * 60.0**2)): time_spacing = median_int_time / (24.0 * 60.0**2) else: rounded_spacing = np.around( time_spacing, int( np.ceil( np.log10(self._time_array.tols[1] / self.Ntimes) * -1 ) + 1 ), ) time_spacing = rounded_spacing[0] else: if np.isclose( time_spacing[0], self.integration_time / (24.0 * 60.0**2) ): time_spacing = self.integration_time / (24.0 * 60.0**2) else: rounded_spacing = np.around( time_spacing, int( np.ceil( np.log10(self._time_array.tols[1] / self.Ntimes) * -1 ) + 1 ), ) time_spacing = rounded_spacing[0] else: if self.future_array_shapes: time_spacing = self.integration_time[0] / (24.0 * 60.0**2) else: time_spacing = self.integration_time / (24.0 * 60.0**2) if self.Njones > 1: if not uvutils._test_array_constant_spacing(self._jones_array): raise ValueError( "The jones values are not evenly spaced." "The calibration fits file format does not" " support unevenly spaced polarizations." ) jones_spacing = self.jones_array[1] - self.jones_array[0] else: jones_spacing = -1 prihdr = fits.Header() if self.total_quality_array is not None: totqualhdr = fits.Header() totqualhdr["EXTNAME"] = "TOTQLTY" if self.cal_type != "gain": sechdr = fits.Header() sechdr["EXTNAME"] = "FLAGS" # Conforming to fits format prihdr["SIMPLE"] = True prihdr["TELESCOP"] = self.telescope_name prihdr["ARRAYX"] = self.telescope_location[0] prihdr["ARRAYY"] = self.telescope_location[1] prihdr["ARRAYZ"] = self.telescope_location[2] prihdr["LAT"] = self.telescope_location_lat_lon_alt_degrees[0] prihdr["LON"] = self.telescope_location_lat_lon_alt_degrees[1] prihdr["ALT"] = self.telescope_location_lat_lon_alt[2] prihdr["GNCONVEN"] = self.gain_convention prihdr["CALTYPE"] = self.cal_type prihdr["CALSTYLE"] = self.cal_style if self.sky_field is not None: prihdr["FIELD"] = self.sky_field if self.sky_catalog is not None: prihdr["CATALOG"] = self.sky_catalog if self.ref_antenna_name is not None: prihdr["REFANT"] = self.ref_antenna_name if self.Nsources is not None: prihdr["NSOURCES"] = self.Nsources if self.baseline_range is not None: prihdr["BL_RANGE"] = ( "[" + ", ".join([str(b) for b in self.baseline_range]) + "]" ) if self.diffuse_model is not None: prihdr["DIFFUSE"] = self.diffuse_model if self.gain_scale is not None: prihdr["GNSCALE"] = self.gain_scale if self.future_array_shapes: if self.Ntimes > 1: prihdr["INTTIME"] = median_int_time else: prihdr["INTTIME"] = self.integration_time[0] else: prihdr["INTTIME"] = self.integration_time if self.future_array_shapes or self.flex_spw: if self.Nfreqs > 1: prihdr["CHWIDTH"] = np.median(self.channel_width) else: prihdr["CHWIDTH"] = delta_freq_array else: prihdr["CHWIDTH"] = self.channel_width prihdr["XORIENT"] = self.x_orientation if self.future_array_shapes and self.freq_range is not None: freq_range_use = self.freq_range[0, :] else: freq_range_use = self.freq_range if self.cal_type == "delay": prihdr["FRQRANGE"] = ",".join(map(str, freq_range_use)) elif self.freq_range is not None: prihdr["FRQRANGE"] = ",".join(map(str, freq_range_use)) if self.time_range is not None: prihdr["TMERANGE"] = ",".join(map(str, self.time_range)) if prihdr["OBSERVER"] = if self.git_origin_cal: prihdr["ORIGCAL"] = self.git_origin_cal if self.git_hash_cal: prihdr["HASHCAL"] = self.git_hash_cal if self.quality_array is not None: prihdr["HASQLTY"] = True else: prihdr["HASQLTY"] = False if self.cal_type == "unknown": raise ValueError( "unknown calibration type. Do not know how to store parameters" ) # Define primary header values # Arrays have (column-major) dimensions of # [Nimages, Njones, Ntimes, Nfreqs, 1, Nantennas] # For a "delay"-type calibration, Nfreqs is a shallow axis # set the axis for number of arrays prihdr["CTYPE1"] = ("Narrays", "Number of image arrays.") prihdr["CUNIT1"] = "Integer" prihdr["CDELT1"] = 1 prihdr["CRPIX1"] = 1 prihdr["CRVAL1"] = 1 # Jones axis prihdr["CTYPE2"] = ("JONES", "Jones matrix array") prihdr["CUNIT2"] = ("Integer", "representative integer for polarization.") prihdr["CRPIX2"] = 1 prihdr["CRVAL2"] = self.jones_array[0] # always start with first jones. prihdr["CDELT2"] = jones_spacing # time axis prihdr["CTYPE3"] = ("TIME", "Time axis.") prihdr["CUNIT3"] = ("JD", "Time in julian date format") prihdr["CRPIX3"] = 1 prihdr["CRVAL3"] = self.time_array[0] prihdr["CDELT3"] = time_spacing # freq axis prihdr["CTYPE4"] = ("FREQS", "Frequency.") prihdr["CUNIT4"] = "Hz" prihdr["CRPIX4"] = 1 prihdr["CRVAL4"] = ref_freq prihdr["CDELT4"] = delta_freq_array # spw axis: number of spectral windows prihdr["CTYPE5"] = ("IF", "Spectral window number.") prihdr["CUNIT5"] = "Integer" prihdr["CRPIX5"] = 1 prihdr["CRVAL5"] = 1 prihdr["CDELT5"] = 1 # antenna axis prihdr["CTYPE6"] = ("ANTAXIS", "See ANTARR in ANTENNA extension for values.") prihdr["CUNIT6"] = "Integer" prihdr["CRPIX6"] = 1 prihdr["CRVAL6"] = 1 prihdr["CDELT6"] = -1 # end standard keywords; begin user-defined keywords for key, value in self.extra_keywords.items(): # header keywords have to be 8 characters or less if len(str(key)) > 8: warnings.warn( "key {key} in extra_keywords is longer than 8 " "characters. It will be truncated to 8 as required " "by the calfits file format.".format(key=key) ) keyword = key[:8].upper() if isinstance(value, (dict, list, np.ndarray)): raise TypeError( "Extra keyword {keyword} is of {keytype}. " "Only strings and numbers are " "supported in calfits.".format(keyword=key, keytype=type(value)) ) if keyword == "COMMENT": for line in value.splitlines(): prihdr.add_comment(line) else: prihdr[keyword] = value for line in self.history.splitlines(): prihdr.add_history(line) # define data section based on calibration type if self.cal_type == "gain": calfits_data_shape = ( self.Nants_data, 1, self.Nfreqs, self.Ntimes, self.Njones, 1, ) pridata = np.concatenate( [ np.reshape(self.gain_array.real, calfits_data_shape), np.reshape(self.gain_array.imag, calfits_data_shape), np.reshape(self.flag_array, calfits_data_shape), ], axis=-1, ) if self.input_flag_array is not None: pridata = np.concatenate( [pridata, np.reshape(self.input_flag_array, calfits_data_shape)], axis=-1, ) if self.quality_array is not None: pridata = np.concatenate( [pridata, np.reshape(self.quality_array, calfits_data_shape)], axis=-1, ) elif self.cal_type == "delay": calfits_data_shape = (self.Nants_data, 1, 1, self.Ntimes, self.Njones, 1) pridata = np.reshape(self.delay_array, calfits_data_shape) if self.quality_array is not None: pridata = np.concatenate( [pridata, np.reshape(self.quality_array, calfits_data_shape)], axis=-1, ) # Set headers for the second hdu containing the flags. Only in # cal_type=delay # Can't put in primary header because frequency axis is shallow there, # but not here # Header values are the same as the primary header sechdr["CTYPE1"] = ("Narrays", "Number of image arrays.") sechdr["CUNIT1"] = "Integer" sechdr["CRPIX1"] = 1 sechdr["CRVAL1"] = 1 sechdr["CDELT1"] = 1 sechdr["CTYPE2"] = ("JONES", "Jones matrix array") sechdr["CUNIT2"] = ("Integer", "representative integer for polarization.") sechdr["CRPIX2"] = 1 sechdr["CRVAL2"] = self.jones_array[0] # always start with first jones. sechdr["CDELT2"] = jones_spacing sechdr["CTYPE3"] = ("TIME", "Time axis.") sechdr["CUNIT3"] = ("JD", "Time in julian date format") sechdr["CRPIX3"] = 1 sechdr["CRVAL3"] = self.time_array[0] sechdr["CDELT3"] = time_spacing sechdr["CTYPE4"] = ("FREQS", "Valid frequencies to apply delay.") sechdr["CUNIT4"] = "Hz" sechdr["CRPIX4"] = 1 sechdr["CRVAL4"] = ref_freq sechdr["CDELT4"] = delta_freq_array sechdr["CTYPE5"] = ("IF", "Spectral window number.") sechdr["CUNIT5"] = "Integer" sechdr["CRPIX5"] = 1 sechdr["CRVAL5"] = 1 sechdr["CDELT5"] = 1 sechdr["CTYPE6"] = ( "ANTAXIS", "See ANTARR in ANTENNA extension for values.", ) # convert from bool to int64; undone on read calfits_data_shape = ( self.Nants_data, 1, self.Nfreqs, self.Ntimes, self.Njones, 1, ) if self.future_array_shapes: # need to broadcast the flags back to the expected shape flag_array_use = np.repeat(self.flag_array, self.Nfreqs, axis=2) if self.input_flag_array is not None: input_flag_array_use = np.repeat( self.input_flag_array, self.Nfreqs, axis=2 ) else: flag_array_use = self.flag_array input_flag_array_use = self.input_flag_array if self.input_flag_array is not None: secdata = np.concatenate( [ np.reshape(flag_array_use.astype(np.int64), calfits_data_shape), np.reshape( input_flag_array_use.astype(np.int64), calfits_data_shape ), ], axis=-1, ) else: secdata = np.reshape( flag_array_use.astype(np.int64), calfits_data_shape ) if self.total_quality_array is not None: # Set headers for the hdu containing the total_quality_array # No antenna axis, so we have [Njones, Ntime, Nfreq, 1] totqualhdr["CTYPE1"] = ("JONES", "Jones matrix array") totqualhdr["CUNIT1"] = ( "Integer", "representative integer for polarization.", ) totqualhdr["CRPIX1"] = 1 totqualhdr["CRVAL1"] = self.jones_array[0] # always start with first jones. totqualhdr["CDELT1"] = jones_spacing totqualhdr["CTYPE2"] = ("TIME", "Time axis.") totqualhdr["CUNIT2"] = ("JD", "Time in julian date format") totqualhdr["CRPIX2"] = 1 totqualhdr["CRVAL2"] = self.time_array[0] totqualhdr["CDELT2"] = time_spacing totqualhdr["CTYPE3"] = ("FREQS", "Valid frequencies to apply delay.") totqualhdr["CUNIT3"] = "Hz" totqualhdr["CRPIX3"] = 1 totqualhdr["CRVAL3"] = ref_freq totqualhdr["CDELT3"] = delta_freq_array # spws axis: number of spectral windows totqualhdr["CTYPE4"] = ("IF", "Spectral window number.") totqualhdr["CUNIT4"] = "Integer" totqualhdr["CRPIX4"] = 1 totqualhdr["CRVAL4"] = 1 totqualhdr["CDELT4"] = 1 if self.cal_type == "gain": calfits_tqa_shape = (1, self.Nfreqs, self.Ntimes, self.Njones) else: calfits_tqa_shape = (1, 1, self.Ntimes, self.Njones) totqualdata = np.reshape(self.total_quality_array, calfits_tqa_shape) # make HDUs prihdu = fits.PrimaryHDU(data=pridata, header=prihdr) # ant HDU col1 = fits.Column(name="ANTNAME", format="8A", array=self.antenna_names) col2 = fits.Column(name="ANTINDEX", format="D", array=self.antenna_numbers) if self.Nants_data == self.Nants_telescope: col3 = fits.Column(name="ANTARR", format="D", array=self.ant_array) else: # ant_array is shorter than the other columns. # Pad the extra rows with -1s. Need to undo on read. nants_add = self.Nants_telescope - self.Nants_data ant_array_use = np.append( self.ant_array, np.zeros(nants_add, dtype=np.int64) - 1 ) col3 = fits.Column(name="ANTARR", format="D", array=ant_array_use) col4 = fits.Column(name="ANTXYZ", format="3D", array=self.antenna_positions) cols = fits.ColDefs([col1, col2, col3, col4]) ant_hdu = fits.BinTableHDU.from_columns(cols) ant_hdu.header["EXTNAME"] = "ANTENNAS" hdulist = fits.HDUList([prihdu, ant_hdu]) if self.cal_type != "gain": sechdu = fits.ImageHDU(data=secdata, header=sechdr) hdulist.append(sechdu) if self.total_quality_array is not None: totqualhdu = fits.ImageHDU(data=totqualdata, header=totqualhdr) hdulist.append(totqualhdu) hdulist.writeto(filename, overwrite=clobber) hdulist.close()
[docs] @copy_replace_short_description(UVCal.read_calfits, style=DocstringStyle.NUMPYDOC) def read_calfits( self, filename, read_data=True, background_lsts=True, run_check=True, check_extra=True, run_check_acceptability=True, use_future_array_shapes=False, astrometry_library=None, ): """Read data from a calfits file.""" # update filename attribute basename = os.path.basename(filename) self.filename = [basename] self._filename.form = (1,) with as fname: hdr = fname[0].header.copy() hdunames = uvutils._fits_indexhdus(fname) anthdu = fname[hdunames["ANTENNAS"]] self.Nants_telescope = anthdu.header["NAXIS2"] antdata = self.antenna_names = np.array(list(map(str, antdata["ANTNAME"]))) self.antenna_numbers = np.array(list(map(int, antdata["ANTINDEX"]))) self.ant_array = np.array(list(map(int, antdata["ANTARR"]))) if np.min(self.ant_array) < 0: # ant_array was shorter than the other columns, so it was # padded with -1s. # Remove the padded entries. self.ant_array = self.ant_array[np.where(self.ant_array >= 0)[0]] if anthdu.header["TFIELDS"] > 3: self.antenna_positions = antdata["ANTXYZ"] self.channel_width = hdr.pop("CHWIDTH") self.integration_time = hdr.pop("INTTIME") self.telescope_name = hdr.pop("TELESCOP") x_telescope = hdr.pop("ARRAYX", None) y_telescope = hdr.pop("ARRAYY", None) z_telescope = hdr.pop("ARRAYZ", None) lat = hdr.pop("LAT", None) lon = hdr.pop("LON", None) alt = hdr.pop("ALT", None) if ( x_telescope is not None and y_telescope is not None and z_telescope is not None ): self.telescope_location = np.array( [x_telescope, y_telescope, z_telescope] ) elif lat is not None and lon is not None and alt is not None: self.telescope_location_lat_lon_alt_degrees = (lat, lon, alt) if self.telescope_location is None or self.antenna_positions is None: try: self.set_telescope_params() except ValueError as ve: warnings.warn(str(ve)) self.history = str(hdr.get("HISTORY", "")) if not uvutils._check_history_version( self.history, self.pyuvdata_version_str ): if not self.history.endswith("\n"): self.history += "\n" self.history += self.pyuvdata_version_str time_range = hdr.pop("TMERANGE", None) if time_range is not None: self.time_range = np.asarray( list(map(np.float64, time_range.split(","))) ) self.gain_convention = hdr.pop("GNCONVEN") self.gain_scale = hdr.pop("GNSCALE", None) self.x_orientation = hdr.pop("XORIENT") self.cal_type = hdr.pop("CALTYPE") # old files might have a freq range for gain types but we don't want them if self.cal_type == "delay": self.freq_range = list(map(float, hdr.pop("FRQRANGE").split(","))) self.cal_style = hdr.pop("CALSTYLE") if self.cal_style == "sky": self._set_sky() elif self.cal_style == "redundant": self._set_redundant() self.sky_field = hdr.pop("FIELD", None) self.sky_catalog = hdr.pop("CATALOG", None) self.ref_antenna_name = hdr.pop("REFANT", None) self.Nsources = hdr.pop("NSOURCES", None) bl_range_string = hdr.pop("BL_RANGE", None) if bl_range_string is not None: self.baseline_range = [ float(b) for b in bl_range_string.strip("[").strip("]").split(",") ] self.diffuse_model = hdr.pop("DIFFUSE", None) = hdr.pop("OBSERVER", None) self.git_origin_cal = hdr.pop("ORIGCAL", None) self.git_hash_cal = hdr.pop("HASHCAL", None) # generate polarization and time array for either cal_type. self.Njones = hdr.pop("NAXIS2") self.jones_array = uvutils._fits_gethduaxis(fname[0], 2) self.Ntimes = hdr.pop("NAXIS3") self.time_array = uvutils._fits_gethduaxis(fname[0], 3) if self.telescope_location is not None: proc = self.set_lsts_from_time_array( background=background_lsts, astrometry_library=astrometry_library ) else: proc = None self.Nspws = hdr.pop("NAXIS5") assert self.Nspws == 1, ( "This file appears to have multiple spectral windows, which is not " "supported by the calfits format." ) # subtract 1 to be zero-indexed self.spw_array = uvutils._fits_gethduaxis(fname[0], 5) - 1 self.Nants_data = hdr.pop("NAXIS6") if self.cal_type == "gain": self._set_gain() self.Nfreqs = hdr.pop("NAXIS4") self.freq_array = uvutils._fits_gethduaxis(fname[0], 4) self.freq_array.shape = (1,) + self.freq_array.shape self.flex_spw_id_array = np.full( self.Nfreqs, self.spw_array[0], dtype=int ) if self.cal_type == "delay": self._set_delay() sechdu = fname[hdunames["FLAGS"]] # generate frequency array from flag data unit # (no freq axis in primary). self.Nfreqs = sechdu.header["NAXIS4"] assert self.Nspws == 1, ( "This file appears to have multiple spectral windows, which is not " "supported by the calfits format." ) self.freq_array = uvutils._fits_gethduaxis(sechdu, 4) self.freq_array.shape = (1,) + self.freq_array.shape spw_array = uvutils._fits_gethduaxis(sechdu, 5) - 1 if not np.allclose(spw_array, self.spw_array): raise ValueError( "Spectral window values are different in FLAGS HDU than" " in primary HDU" ) time_array = uvutils._fits_gethduaxis(sechdu, 3) if not np.allclose( time_array, self.time_array, rtol=self._time_array.tols[0], atol=self._time_array.tols[0], ): raise ValueError( "Time values are different in FLAGS HDU than in primary HDU" ) jones_array = uvutils._fits_gethduaxis(sechdu, 2) if not np.allclose( jones_array, self.jones_array, rtol=self._jones_array.tols[0], atol=self._jones_array.tols[0], ): raise ValueError( "Jones values are different in FLAGS HDU than in primary HDU" ) # get data. has_quality = hdr.pop("HASQLTY", True) if read_data: data = fname[0].data if self.cal_type == "gain": self.gain_array = ( data[:, :, :, :, :, 0] + 1j * data[:, :, :, :, :, 1] ) self.flag_array = data[:, :, :, :, :, 2].astype("bool") n_arrays = hdr.pop("NAXIS1") if n_arrays == 5: self.input_flag_array = data[:, :, :, :, :, 3].astype("bool") self.quality_array = data[:, :, :, :, :, 4] elif n_arrays == 4: if has_quality: self.quality_array = data[:, :, :, :, :, 3] else: self.input_flag_array = data[:, :, :, :, :, 3].astype( "bool" ) if self.cal_type == "delay": self.delay_array = data[:, :, :, :, :, 0] if has_quality: self.quality_array = data[:, :, :, :, :, 1] flag_data = if sechdu.header["NAXIS1"] == 2: self.flag_array = flag_data[:, :, :, :, :, 0].astype("bool") self.input_flag_array = flag_data[:, :, :, :, :, 1].astype( "bool" ) else: self.flag_array = flag_data[:, :, :, :, :, 0].astype("bool") # get total quality array if present if "TOTQLTY" in hdunames: totqualhdu = fname[hdunames["TOTQLTY"]] self.total_quality_array = spw_array = uvutils._fits_gethduaxis(totqualhdu, 4) - 1 if not np.allclose(spw_array, self.spw_array): raise ValueError( "Spectral window values are different in " "TOTQLTY HDU than in primary HDU. primary HDU " "has {pspw}, TOTQLTY has {tspw}".format( pspw=self.spw_array, tspw=spw_array ) ) if self.cal_type != "delay": # delay-type files won't have a freq_array freq_array = uvutils._fits_gethduaxis(totqualhdu, 3) freq_array.shape = (1,) + freq_array.shape if not np.allclose( freq_array, self.freq_array, rtol=self._freq_array.tols[0], atol=self._freq_array.tols[0], ): raise ValueError( "Frequency values are different in TOTQLTY HDU than" " in primary HDU" ) time_array = uvutils._fits_gethduaxis(totqualhdu, 2) if not np.allclose( time_array, self.time_array, rtol=self._time_array.tols[0], atol=self._time_array.tols[0], ): raise ValueError( "Time values are different in TOTQLTY HDU than in " "primary HDU" ) jones_array = uvutils._fits_gethduaxis(totqualhdu, 1) if not np.allclose( jones_array, self.jones_array, rtol=self._jones_array.tols[0], atol=self._jones_array.tols[0], ): raise ValueError( "Jones values are different in TOTQLTY HDU than in " "primary HDU" ) else: self.total_quality_array = None self.extra_keywords = uvutils._get_fits_extra_keywords(hdr) # wait for LSTs if set in background if proc is not None: proc.join() if use_future_array_shapes: self.use_future_array_shapes() else: warnings.warn(_future_array_shapes_warning, DeprecationWarning) if run_check: self.check( check_extra=check_extra, run_check_acceptability=run_check_acceptability )